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What's a good raw/living foods cookbook?

I was browsing through the selection at B&N, and I didn't quite find what I was looking for...

Mostly, I just want actual RECIPES! All the books I looked at had pages and pages of explanation and personal stories about how much healthier the writer is than everyone else and, to be quite honest, I just want tasty, healthy food!

Got any favorites I can check out?

Particularly anything with good choices for cold climate. One really cannot live off just basic salad in a Minnesota winter!

Thanks in advance!

I reviewed a cookbook here and there are a few recipe reviews.  It has explanations and "how to's" for the the novice, but there are quite a bit of recipes too.


I like The Complete Book of Raw Foods (except the 2nd edition has so many stupid typos/incorrect page references, it is ridiculous!), Ani's Raw Food Kitchen, and Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People. These are the 3 raw books I use the most.

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