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Honey........... I should avoid because?

OK, after getting back on the veggie train again after a 20 year hiatus I am really enjoying finding new recipes to make and also concut a few off the cuff myself.

Now one thing I never considered as being "bad" for a vegetarian diet is honey. My Gran had bees nests when I grew up, she was a vegetarian since the end of WW2, and I did not see the bees being abused as such. They just few around outside at the bottom of the garden from what I can tell.

Now can someone explain why honey should be avoided? What could I use to sweeten dishes in place of honey?

Thanks for educating me!

Oh no.  No no no.  There was just a discussion about this.  I'll find it...


I still use honey, myself...but I guess I'm a BAD veg, so don't listen to me. lol!  :D
Agave nectar makes a nice honey replacement.  I think it's sweeter, but not quite as thick.  (It's kinda like maple syrup.) You can find it in health food stores or fancier groceries.


Heh. I just posted about this!

I personally use organic, local honey. So, I guess I'm a "bad vegan" as well.  ;)


I heart Tofuttibreak's dog.

Agave Nectar is great; I don't use honey. 

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