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Science and politics

Hi all! 

Another less food-focused topic, I'm afraid... I can't resist asking what you think of the idea of a scientists' political party?  Here's an article announcing the notion:

It sounds great on the one hand... attention to global warming, food safety, and biology in the executive branch!  But on the other hand, I suspect that it would rapidly become a Trojan horse for petrochemical shills working for the oil mega-corps and (shudder) the pharmaceutical industry.

Know anything interesting about this?  Have thoughts?  I would love to hear!

There are too many different kinds of scientists for that to even make any sense. Scientists hold as many differing views as the general public.


i'd say intention. but that may the buddhist in me.

food made with anger is poison. just my view.


I'm not sure how that relates, tristanmu?  But I'm all ears!


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