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what do I do with baby artichokes?

I got baby artichokes from the Central Market last week.  I have no idea what to do with them and they will need to be eaten up soon.  Please tell me how I cook them.  I got them becuase I wanted to try artichokes, I haven't tried them since I was a teenager but I have never cooked them before.  Please help?  They look tasty, I don't want to throw them away.

i dont know if i have ever had baby artichokes.. i have had normal ones, and if baby ones are like normal "adult" ones, but smaller, then you prepare and eat them the same..

you cook artichokes by steaming them.. fill a large sauce pot with about an inch of water and put one of those weird metal spaceship looking steamer things inside.. put the artichokes in the spaceship and steam for about 10 mins.. you should be able to pierce the bottom of them very easily with a fork..

a nice thing to do with artichokes is to put a clove of garlic in between every few leaves before you steam it.. it gives it a really nice flavor.. to eat, squirt lemon juice over the steamed artichoke, then just pull off a leaf and dip in melted margarine, then in vegan mayonnaise and pull of the meat of the leaf with your teeth, leaving the fibrous part behind..

dont eat the hair or "choke" in the middle of the artichoke, but if you scrape that off then you get to the delicious heart and you can just quarter than and eat the whole thing dipped in the marg/mayo.. it very buttery and soft and soo good..

good luck!


Ummmm, that sounds really good.  Think I will try that tonight.

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