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Can we ban Alex Libman from the forums?

This guy is a moron...

Well, it seems you have concocted a pretty self-centered justification for it. The good news: the first step, awareness of the problem, seems imminent. The bad news: cheap excuses, rationalizations, and justifications, however cleverly worded, can often last a lifetime.


Well, it seems you have concocted a pretty self-centered justification for it. The good news: the first step, awareness of the problem, seems imminent. The bad news: cheap excuses, rationalizations, and justifications, however cleverly worded, can often last a lifetime.

I like this!

I'm also noticing a pattern of the word "resent" and variations of the word being used a lot by Mr. Libman. He seems very angry and unforgiving of the world around him. This is a very destructive and counterproductive way of solving issues while trying to also grow as a person and help the societal issues that he claims to be so concerned.


You are the ones advocating violence, and I am the one advocating reason.

I don't claim to be a stoic robot immune from all emotion!  My righteous indignation needs to be channeled constructively, and I do admit that my ability to do that remains a work in progress...

As for being "self-centered" - what else am I supposed to be centered on, constellation Canis Major?!  All knowledge and accomplishment begins with the mastery of self.


Yet another example of people blaming me for their own ignorance...

Why don't you pick up a few books on the Non-Aggression Principle and learn more about it before you assume that I am an idiot and that you know everything?



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