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Just another thing to make us sick.

Flouride is bad.

Here is a website:

I heard this a long time ago but I looked it up and this confirmed what I heard a long time ago.  And Purr water filters and Brita water filters do not remove flouride.  However, I think if you have well water you don't have to worry.

actually fluoride is naturally in the earth so some well water has it in it.


Yeah, but not at the high concentrations that city tap water has.  I read that on another website I was looking at.

Again, too much time at work to cruze the net.


I never had flouride growing up and had no cavities.  As a result I subscribe to the General Jack D. Ripper's ideology that flouride is a conspiracy to, "sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids".

A couple weeks ago I told my mom I had started making my own toothpaste and she immediately asked about flouride.  Then she was silent and realized that I never had flouride growing up except for going to the dentist.


I never had flouride growing up and had no cavities.  As a result I subscribe to the General Jack D. Ripper's ideology that flouride is a conspiracy to, "sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids".

A couple weeks ago I told my mom I had started making my own toothpaste and she immediately asked about flouride.  Then she was silent and realized that I never had flouride growing up except for going to the dentist.

If she didn't give you a fluoride toothpaste growing up wonder why she was asking about it now?

I got several cavities growing up and drank fluoronated water.  Go figure.


That website is crap. Did you actually go look up the sources they foot noted? I have no idea where you can find those.

Before anyone gets all paranoid, realize that they are only presenting half-facts. For instance: Yes, ingesting large amounts of Flouride can cause cancer and other health affects. But the amount of Flouride that public water companies may add to their water is much less than the amount that has been found to cause these problems.

Not all public water companies add Flouride to their water. If you have public water, you should get a report once a year that tells you exactly what is in your water and in what concentration. Or else call and ask for one. I think it's called a consumer confidence report in NJ.

Flouride can be present in groundwater in toxic concentrations naturally. I think this is typically in areas with limestone (I could be wrong, I need to check that).  If you have a private well and it has not been tested for contaminents (in NJ it's requred when a house is sold) then you should, not just for Flouride, but lots of other contaminents.

Pur brand does have a really good filter out now that should remove Flouride. I'll have to look around & post to you what model it is.

I personally do not agree with the practice of adding Flouride to drinking water, mostly because I think it is a waste of money, but I used to work for the NJ Deparment of Environmental Protections' Bureau of Safe Drinking Water, so it was part of my job to assure people that their water is safe to drink when it is & make tham aware if it isn't. If you guys have any other concerns, please feel free to ask. I can back up anything I just said.


Sorry, I was wrong about the Pur filter. I could have sworn they sold one that used reverse osmosis, I guess not. If you want to really make sure the water you are drinking is 100% pure at home, you could distill it.


I guess I am probably in the minority, but I have a big problem with having to buy a reverse osmosis filter to get something of questionable (at best) value out of the water I am going to drink. It should not be added without at least putting it to a vote to the residents, if they want the flouride added to the water, or not. There is a lot of conflicting thought on this issue and I for one, do not want flouride added, thank you very much.

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