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What musical instruments do ya'll play?

I never really learned to play an instrument, though I attempted piano starting at age 18 and took voice lessons for several years. I tried cello one summer and made it through the first Suzuki book but then stopped.  I consider myself a music drop out.

But i am living  vicariously through my family.  DH plays piano (clarinet, too, but it's been years).  DD plays piano, violin and saxophone, and DS plays saxophone and guitar.

Our instrument collection includes 4 saxophones, piano, dulcimer, recorders, guitars, violin, and the ancient clarinet, all the way down to the Kazoo which I now favor.

Just curious what you all play, how long you kept at it, what instruments you have floating around your houses. 

Its interesting to me how few guitar players there are. I have played the piano since age 4, and the violin since age 10ish. I stopped taking piano lessons in highschool, but I still teach myself songs on my keyboard at home. I like ragtime a lot...
I played the violin in orchestra all through highschool, but in college my shoulders started bothering me so much that I couldn't sit through a practice, so now I just play every once in a while for fun.

I played the clarinet for one year in 6th grade!
i also learned how to play the Sikus, or Pan Pipes, from my violin teacher who had tons of awesome South-American instruments.

and I love to sing!!


I used to be in a drum corp (before it closed down...*sigh*) so I can say that I can play the snare drum. I can sort of play the kit, a couple of basic rhythms but unfornunately I don't have one of my own so can't really practice - & lessons are FAR too expensive!


I can play flute and baritone sax. My hubby plays guitar and sings for a band. We have also a bass(mine), mandolin, harmonica, accordian, and my daughter has a bunch of stuff. Recorder, dumbek(sp?), etc.


guitar & piano, self taught


i have been playing shakuhachi for 20 years and teaching for over 10.

Not practicing or performing as much as i used to as i am more focused on being in the kitchen these days.


ps for those who are about to ask, shakuhachi is a bamboo flute from Japan :)


I sing, play violin and flute.  Apparently it is a very strange thing to run into someone ona trail randomly jamming on their flute  ;D


i can play the radio! :D


What talent!! You should make a video, because a lot of people SAY they can play the radio, but few are very good.


Vegweb band!



i studied classical voice in college (opera!!!!), i also had to learn all of the string and woodwind instruments like lotus.  i thought that if i would have to teach instruments, i would want to do orchestra.  so i learned those instruments.  now i'm an elementary music teacher and am teaching guitar and orff to the upper grades.  just did our first choir concert tonight too.  yay


Do you guys mean like. A radio. like. AM/FM?? I think you do. And I think I spent wayyy too long trying to figure out what kind of instrument a radio was before I thought of that.

I have a jaw harp! w00t!


I play my flute in my back yard all the time. Usually it's in the middle of the day when the neighbors aren't home. I've never been "discovered" though.


Guitar, bass and I'm not too bad on drums.

Wanna hear me?. . .

Click -> Confusion
(Copyright by R.S. Whitaker)

It's all me except the drums.


i have been playing shakuhachi for 20 years and teaching for over 10.

Not practicing or performing as much as i used to as i am more focused on being in the kitchen these days.


ps for those who are about to ask, shakuhachi is a bamboo flute from Japan :)

I play a sample of shakuhachi music when I teach a "Flutes from around the world" lesson to my school kiddies.  They always love it!  I do as well.  

i can play the radio! :D

Hehe.  My dad always says that!


Things I "play:"  (the colon looks weird in there but i was always taught that punctuation goes inside quotes...sooo. yes.)

Not sure if this is entirely accurate actually.  I thought that the puncuation going inside or outside the quotation depended on the situation.  If the quotation iself needs punctuation independent of the sentence it is used in, then the punctuation goes inside the quotation marks, but if the punctuation is for the sentence rather then the quotation then it goes outside the quotation marks.

Example: My friend asked me the other day "why is your hair purple?" and I just said "because I felt like it". 

However, I could very much be wrong, wouldn't be the first time.  YabbitGirl would probably know better then I.

Oh, back on topic, I used to play trombone but now don't play any musical instrument.  I would love to know how to paly piano though as I think piano music is so beautiful.


I started with the viola when I was 9. In college, I picked up the guitar, and the piano, which I can just barely play. I also play the Celtic fiddle! :)


I started with the viola when I was 9. In college, I picked up the guitar, and the piano, which I can just barely play. I also play the Celtic fiddle! :)

OMG, I am JEALOUS... Celtic fiddle is amazingly awesome... I tried to teach myself; broke a string, & couldn't replace it (broke 2 more trying!), then lost my practice momentum... grrr! clearly need a mentor! are you, by chance, interested in an unpaid tutoring position in central AR?!  ;D

I do passable-decent fingerstyle guitar, including some Celtic style music (which I love!) as well as folk/ blues/ bluegrass/ some older rock stuff... strictly acoustic though, love that rough string sound... don't care about volume.   :)  Used to play some piano, but haven't in too long... maybe it'd come back I put some time in? Need to try, 'spose! kinda miss it...


Drums!! For about 8 years now. Play a little guitar as well.

Currently in a gigging band in the Edmonton area, in the middle of recording a demo.

We are called Corpus Malignus!


I started with the viola when I was 9. In college, I picked up the guitar, and the piano, which I can just barely play. I also play the Celtic fiddle! :)

OMG, I am JEALOUS... Celtic fiddle is amazingly awesome... I tried to teach myself; broke a string, & couldn't replace it (broke 2 more trying!), then lost my practice momentum... grrr! clearly need a mentor! are you, by chance, interested in an unpaid tutoring position in central AR?!  ;D

I do passable-decent fingerstyle guitar, including some Celtic style music (which I love!) as well as folk/ blues/ bluegrass/ some older rock stuff... strictly acoustic though, love that rough string sound... don't care about volume.  :)  Used to play some piano, but haven't in too long... maybe it'd come back I put some time in? Need to try, 'spose! kinda miss it...

My roommate plays banjo and pennywhistle in a celtic/bluegrass band. Once a month there's a pickin' party in my living room. A few weeks back his cousin was in town from California and there was like 8 people in my living room jamming out. One of the perks of living in Nashville is having a plethora of excellent musicians in town. My roommate's band plays every weekend at Irish pubs around town, and he goes on tour sometimes. They're pretty good.


Yeah. And we've been going on the road a lot lately.



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