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HELP with Injured Squirrel!!

I was driving down the road and there was a little squirrel just walking slowly in circles. He wouldn't get out of the road so I got out and got a blanket and tried to pick him up and place him in the woods on the side of the road. He clung to my blanket and wouldn't let go so I brought him home. He is bleeding a little from the mouth and won't eat. He is super friendly and is still just wandering around in circles. His limbs seem sort of limp, like maybe hurt. He can walk though... I don't know what to do with him! I assume he will die soon from injuries, but I'd like to think I can nurse him to health.

Any suggestions?

PS there was a rabid fox in my town, but not near here. I sure hope I am not dealing with a rabid animal. I don't think so, but I am no expert.


If he's bleeding from the mouth, he's been hit. Maybe a glancing blow from a car tyre. The limpness could be a spinal injury.
Do you have a wildlife rescue centre in your area or a game park (aka zoo of local wildlife for kiddies)?
Call a local vet...but bear in mind they'll probably just put it down.


I wish FB was near!
I did call our rehab center and they gave me some numbers and I left messages.
I feel so bad for him. He is so cute!!!! Makes me even sadder to think of all the ones I see hit on the road now that I know their cuteness up close. :(


We came across an orphaned squirrel once and got a rehabber to take him. If, when he walks, all he can do is go in circles, he most likely has some degree of brain injury. If he can walk but seems weak, that's also a sign of brain or spinal cord injury; he may gradually become paralyzed if that's the case.

If you take him to a vet, they'll probably euthanize him without diagnosing much (but if it is a brain or spine injury, that's probably all one can do). Same with a shelter. However, if you can't get into contact with rehabbers through the internet, the vet may know some, since they'll occasionally get wildlife. Maybe call the vet and see if they have some contacts or if they'll take a look at the squirrel before euthanizing.

Best of luck.


Aww, bless its little heart and yours for trying to help it! I found this link. There may be some info for you on the site. Good luck to you! (((hugs)))


Did you call a wildlife center?  How's Jr. doing?


Good news!
Teiro (pronounced TEE-roh) (named by Lyle) is a girl...I know this because a rehabber called me back and I brought her to her house. She rehabbed 150 squirrels after the hurricane a couple months ago.  Coincidentally I had donated a bunch of old clothes and blankets to her for the squirrels through freecycle but didn't know it was the same lady.

She has another that had the same thing happen (brain damage)...and that one sleeps with her in bed!!! So Teiro may have a friend....if she cannot be rehabilitated and released. The lady even called me later to update me on her condition. It appeared that a car went "over" her (not the tires, but the underside of the car) and caused her to hit her head on the cement. Her jaw is broken-it can heal itself over time.
So I spent most of my day in the car with a squirrel, but I feel great about it...and it was neat for Lyle to see. Whenever I see them in the road and they look Ok I always want to stop... I am so glad I saw her moving and stumbling about. Cars were whizzing by me and probably thought I was nuts. I am so glad that she clung onto my blanket-had she not I probably would have left her on the side of the road.

She was SO tame and sweet. I wish I could have kept her. We will definitely visit in a few weeks if she makes it.
I did take a couple of pictures and I will post them shortly. THanks for the support, good ol V W Peeps!


l2a you are amazing, and how cool that you and the rehabilitaor have connection already?! that is great, and i am sure Lyle will not forget this whole experience. I am excited to see the pictures of Teiro!


wow that's great!


Good news!  Everything about this makes me smile.  It also makes me want to learn how to rehab squirrels.  Is she a wildlife biologist or just has a general interest?  I'd like to learn something like that.  Our squirrels got a mite disease or something, so I only see ~ three squirrels a summer.  I'd like to help the ones who survived the disease.


Oh, man, a happy ending! I am sooo glad. I love squirrels. We don't have them here (not enough trees). Hell, not enough habitat.


Good news!
Teiro (pronounced TEE-roh) (named by Lyle) is a girl...I know this because a rehabber called me back and I brought her to her house. She rehabbed 150 squirrels after the hurricane a couple months ago.  Coincidentally I had donated a bunch of old clothes and blankets to her for the squirrels through freecycle but didn't know it was the same lady.

She has another that had the same thing happen (brain damage)...and that one sleeps with her in bed!!! So Teiro may have a friend....if she cannot be rehabilitated and released. The lady even called me later to update me on her condition. It appeared that a car went "over" her (not the tires, but the underside of the car) and caused her to hit her head on the cement. Her jaw is broken-it can heal itself over time.
So I spent most of my day in the car with a squirrel, but I feel great about it...and it was neat for Lyle to see. Whenever I see them in the road and they look Ok I always want to stop... I am so glad I saw her moving and stumbling about. Cars were whizzing by me and probably thought I was nuts. I am so glad that she clung onto my blanket-had she not I probably would have left her on the side of the road.

She was SO tame and sweet. I wish I could have kept her. We will definitely visit in a few weeks if she makes it.
I did take a couple of pictures and I will post them shortly. THanks for the support, good ol V W Peeps!

This is such a great story!  You are a truly remarkable person!


L2A, you are an amazing lady!   :)>>>


That is AWESOME news! I agree, you are truly amazing and have a beautiful heart! I'll keep the sweet little squirrel in my prayers and can't wait to see pics. :) XOXO


Wow, that's awesome that you found a rehabber with squirrel expertise, and even more awesome that it's the same one you freecycled to earlier!  That's that positive energy coming back to you.


You win 5billion awesome and good karma points!

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