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Vegan Candida Diet???????

Have any of you had to be on a Candida Diet? I've found all kinds of Candida diets on the net but none are Vegan....can someone help me with this? I don't know what to eat.....Is there a website or a book that can help me?  :help!:  :blankstare:

the rainbow diet is a raw vegan candida plan.  it follows the same food guide that my naturopath suggested, plus a little bit extra foods to cut out. 

Pretty much stick with:
green vegetables - the main part of your diet
non sweet/non starchy vegetables
vegetables that make you fart (my naturopath said it helps to clean our your system.  haha) broccoli, cabbage, bok choy
raw, cold pressed olive oil

stay away from:
grains (they begin to grow mold while in storage)
processed foods (chemicals = candidas best friend)
sugary foods (your new arch nemesis. this includes flour and starchy foods because it turns into sugar)

my naturopath suggests staying on this type of diet for 3 months.  the rainbow diet suggests doing a very strict diet like this for the first month, the next month you can add in some sweeter veggies like peppers, carrots, potatoes, berries, then the last month adding in fruits.  they say to continue on the 3rd level diet forever.... but i wouldnt.

If you have a really bad case of candida, i would suggest the rainbow diet.  its really intensive and thorough.


Thank you so very much ;D

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