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any sahm's??

any other stay at home moms out here??  i would love to connect and find out what you feed your kiddos.... ;D

Cali, where have you been all my (vegetarian) life????




Awww JC!  I have been doing this for 10 years.  It gets way super easy when you HAVE to cook and NEED to eat something thats filling, tasty and meets your daily requirements.


Soylent Green.

I need to watch this movie.


Soylent Green.

I need to watch this movie.




Hi all!  Another veg*n mom here.  My daughter loves seitan and chickpea!  Tonight she had chickpeas with Veganise (sprilina and kelp powder hidden in with the veganise), steamed snap peas, applesauce and some of my hubbys miso soup experiment. 

We've sort of been fighting with her about eating lately.  I made quinoa the other day and last night she keep saying it tickled her mouth. She engages us (my husband mostly) during lunch and dinner that it doesn't seem like she gets enough to eat. We try to be serious and then she'll do something and we'll laugh,  she had me laughing so hard I was crying.

We had to eat out at Chipotle the other day, I had to keep reminding her to eat, she claimed she was full and as soon as we get in the car she says "YOu know what, I'm still hungry".  Ughh! 

I worry because she will be 3 in April, she is only about 35" and 26 lbs. 


hi!  yep sounds like you have an almost-three-year-old! son will be four in march and he does the exact same thing - tonight in fact...."i'm still hungry" has become one of his favorite distraction tactics. 

i have a lot to learn about vegan-eating...what is veganise?  i'll have to try that with my son...he does pretty good about trying new foods. 

oh, and my son was only 31 pounds for the longest time and then he had a huge growth spurt just recently.  for a two year old female 26 pounds doesn't too bad to me!

veganise is mayonasie without egg and I think it tastes so much better than mayo.  only thing is it is made with soy, I wonder if there is a non soy mayo type thing out there?

oh, alittle expensive but we tried the coconut milk yogurt the other day and it was pretty good. At $2/ container it's not something I would buy often, but you could when expenses allow pick it up as a treat.  Very yummy, sweet, and dessert like.

Great, so I have many more weeks and months of eating power struggle.  I guess I will wave the white flag of surrender now and end it before it gets too bad.  :P

I was noticing the other morning that it looks like she might be gaining some weight and she has been eating abit more when she isn't trying to be a comedian with my hubby so I was trying not to worry.  I did check the growth charts and according to the ones I follow she does look like she is ok, but she was 24 lbs or so at her two yr appt and I just would have thought she would have gained more weight by now.


Toddlers are notorious for not eating. I've heard it's totally normal and happens pretty often. As their body starts going through another growth spurt they'll start eating like piggies, but they do go through stages where they are just too darned busy with the world to worry about eating.

When I was a nanny I took care of a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old full time. The one year old was almost as big as her brother and LOVED to eat, but the 3-year old was very picky and wouldn't eat unless he was STARVING. He just had too much to say!



wouldn't eat unless he was STARVING. He just had too much to say!


This is so her!  Sometimes my husband just looks at me and wonders if she will ever stop talking. I just shake my head.  She talked alot to me before she went full force with him just recently. 


I'm not a stay at home mom, but I am a work all the time mom. We just juggle our schedules so she doesn't have to go to daycare. She'll be starting preschool in Jan.! I'm nervous about it. As for the soy and dairy free thing...One of my daughter's favorite foods is sweet potatoes. I often make it either with gravy and biscuts, or a lentil-rice pilaf mix thingy. We eat lots of pasta, seitan, pot pie(which you could easily make soy-free), curries, soups and stews, mexican, rice dishes.



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