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"Lupus recovery diet"

My girlfriend has had systematic lupus for six years now and it has gotten severely out of control. This year at the beginning of July she almostost her battle against lupus to kidney failure and many more complications which her lupus has caused over the years. With the grace of God, she was able to get through this terrifying experience, but we both agreed we had to make some dramatic changes. I'm reading this great book called The Lupus Recovery Diet by Jill Harrington, which has been a lupus survivor for 13+ years! Her secret- a vegan diet, yoga, and plenty of sleep. 

The hard part for both of us is the diet, or should I say the new lifestyle of eating. We are new at vegetarianism so we need all the pointers we can have! We hope to have a normal life ( far away from a hospital ) and I believe eating clean can definitely help. Thanks for the support. 

I have read through the book myself and it makes a lot of sense to me. I am whole food plant based myself - and what helped me the most is making sure I always had some kind of starch (beans, grains, sweet potato, etc..) every day for at least one meal. Just vegetables or fruit alone gave me an uneven (up and down) energy level. Starch gave me a more relaxed and sustained energy level.


One of my favorite resources is Dr. McDougall's web site ( There are inspiring videos (star mcdougallers), recipes (whole food type), forums, articles, newsletters, etc.


Do you need help on something specific?


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