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Boo Al Gore

BBC News anchor gives Gore a hard time for being a hypocrite.  The best is when he asks "have you gone vegetarian?"

Gore is still a politician at heart, in spite of claiming to have left "public service" (an oxymoron if ever there was one.) He thinks if he says a thing, it's so, no matter what he actually does. I wonder how much of the money he's made from his films, appearances, etc. actually goes to help the environment.

Paxman has a reputation for being gratuitously unpleasant to his interviewees but I have to say he behaved himself. I doubt he is a vegetarian either, though, even though he used that to whip Gore.


i like how he said he walks the walk, then said he wasn't vegetarian, then said that eating meat is bad for the environment.

stupid, stupid man.


I was seriously just thinking about this because Al Gore is promoting his book and talking about how meat is bad for the environment. I was wondering if he was veg*n, but apparently not. Lame.


Totally lame.

But I guess that he's got about half the nation thinking "green," so he can't be all bad.


This frustrates the hell out of me.  Yes, no person on Earth is has a carbon footprint of zero ...but giving up meat is the number one way to reduce your carbon footprint!


This frustrates the hell out of me.  Yes, no person on Earth is has a carbon footprint of zero ...but giving up meat is the number one way to reduce your carbon footprint!

i agree...and gore is a college-educated man.  it doesn't take a genius to figure out that transitioning to a meat-and-dairy-free lifestyle can be fun, simple, healthy, and great for the environment.

wow, think of all of the endorsements he's missing out on by not being vegetarian (if you were to consider the solely financial/ entrepreneurial facet of the situation...and since he's an unpolitician, surely he knows a lot about that)...


This frustrates the hell out of me.  Yes, no person on Earth is has a carbon footprint of zero ...but giving up meat is the number one way to reduce your carbon footprint!

and its free!! maybe thats why he doesnt do it.  he can't show off his money by going vegan.  just kidding.  yeah i dont know why anyone wouldnt go vegan, it still boggles my brain.


Let us not forget that the only vegetarian politician I know is Dennis Kucinik and he is constantly derided and ridiculed for being just that.

Remember how the Beef industry actually SUED Oprah Winfrey for making a televised statement against hamburgers.

Vegetarians and gays are the two groups that mainstream America feels free and almost compelled to discriminate against to the point of hatred. Oh, add atheists to that group. Americans will not give up meat any more than they will recognize a person's right NOT to believe in a mythological sky god.

Yes, it would be nice if Gore were veggie but he's already ridiculed as a tree hugging supporter of fake science. At least he is doing SOMETHING to educate the world to the threats of global warming and climate catastrophe. If he added to his platform the idea that all Americans relinquish eating the flesh from slaughtered animals, he'd probably be slaughtered himself.


I love how many times he stuttered.  :-D Can't think of an answer, can ya?


I think turning the focus on Al Gore's hypocrisy and away from his message was initiated by the conservative right.  He's gotten thousands of people thinking about global warming and the way we all use resources.  That's more important than what one man does.


The good thing about this video (thx 4 posting it CYETS), is that these very conventional intellectual men,  are both treating as fact, that vegetarianism is environmentally correct. I'm seeing more and more of this on the networks.

As far as Gore goes,  for all we know he'd like to be veg, but just can't admit it, because it would cut him off from a lot of election money, because so many of the rich are invested in cattle ranches and pig futures etc. They're afraid that a vegetarian in the white house would regulate them right out of business.


  There is a wonderful movement around called "Just do one thing", meaning not everyone can install solar power and collect water and make compost heaps and buy a Prius, but the results would be incredible if everyone did just one change out all your bulbs to energy saving. Walk to work one day a week. Similar to Meatless Mondays. Gore may not be a vegetarian, but the "one thing" he is capable of doing is exactly what he's doing and he's doing it better than anyone else on the planet and succeeding at it...and that's bringing awareness to the problem.

So I applaud him for doing just one thing.


  There is a wonderful movement around called "Just do one thing", meaning not everyone can install solar power and collect water and make compost heaps and buy a Prius, but the results would be incredible if everyone did just one change out all your bulbs to energy saving. Walk to work one day a week. Similar to Meatless Mondays. Gore may not be a vegetarian, but the "one thing" he is capable of doing is exactly what he's doing and he's doing it better than anyone else on the planet and succeeding at it...and that's bringing awareness to the problem.

So I applaud him for doing just one thing.

And as with all change, one thing can lead to another. My DH used to laugh at me about recycling, but at that time I used a typewriter and had a lot of correspondance and got through a LOT of paper. I was instrumental in getting recycling bins in our area because I would shlepp my stuff a quarter mile away, and then call the City and hokk them about it.

Then he saw how much energy saving bulbs actually save in money, and how long they last (we had one last for like 10 years!) And on, and on...
Now if I could just get him to NOT put potato peelings in the plastic-recycling bin...


according to the video hespedal recently posted his family is/was cattle farmers that is why he doesn't push the veg thing and left out the obvious about what eating animals does to the environment in his film... can't remember exactly what the video said... here is the link if anyone is interested:

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