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FDA approves cloned milk & meat for consumption


i expect that everyone will be grossed out by meat and milk consumption in the first place, but i still think this is important to know about, particularly because it's the FDA (an organization i distrust and despise) spending big money for...what, exactly??

some highlights from the article:
"...meat and milk from cloned animals is, for the most part, safe to eat..." - for the most part???

"...found no health effects in animals fed meat and milk from cloned animals for more than three months..." - gee, three months is plenty of time to determine long-term scientific meddling effects, don't ya think?

" from newborn cloned cattle, which often are abnormal, "may pose some very limited human food consumption risk."..." - often abnormal??  'nuff said.

the best part of the article, quoted from Joseph Mendelson, legal director of the Center for Food Safety:
"One of the amazing things about this is that at a time when we have a readily acknowledged crisis in our food safety system, the FDA is spending its resources and energy and political capital on releasing a safety assessment for something that no one but a handful of companies wants."

here's the link to the entire article, though i've robbed the key points to post above:

EW! And I bet they won't label it either. Gross. :P


And what exactly is the point in cloning animals?  I never understood that.  Why spend all that money?


Grooooooooosssssss....Ewwwwwwwwwwww...Grooooooooossssss :boooo: (insert gag smiley)


That is disgusting. As if that pus-milk that the FDA approves wasn't gross enough already! I second the  :boooo:


Disgusting!!!  Is the world running out of animals????  If so, go VEGAN. :agree?:


That reminds me of the official American Dietetic Association stance on bioengineered food. They approve of it, since "no evidence points to it's ill effects".  Then they bash the Atkin's diet (which they should) by saying that no one has pr oven it is safe!!?  So no evidence means GMOs and weird genetic manipulation is fine, but no evidence means that another thing is bad?  It is basically about large corporations, funding, $ etc.  Any real scientist knows that to determine the ill effects of a food, the study needs to last at a MINIMUM of TWO years. Duh.

Makes me glad I haven't eaten meat in almost 21 years.


Hmm, well, if the animal is more expensive, doesn't it make sense that "they" will take better care of it? People are going to eat meat and animal products, so maybe the animals should just be as happy as possible.


This reminds me of that scene in The Fly where Seth teleports a steak through his machine and feeds Ronnie the cloned copy. What happens if something goes wrong and everyone who eats the cloned meat becomes some kind of genetic mutant hybrid or something?


This reminds me of that scene in The Fly where Seth teleports a steak through his machine and feeds Ronnie the cloned copy. What happens if something goes wrong and everyone who eats the cloned meat becomes some kind of genetic mutant hybrid or something?

Chaos, utter chaos.  It will be like 28 days later . . . oh wait, this isn't the movie thread


This reminds me of that scene in The Fly where Seth teleports a steak through his machine and feeds Ronnie the cloned copy. What happens if something goes wrong and everyone who eats the cloned meat becomes some kind of genetic mutant hybrid or something?

Chaos, utter chaos.  It will be like 28 days later . . . oh wait, this isn't the movie thread

Ha ha, or Black Sheep, except everyone will become were-cows instead.

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