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PETA Serving Up A McCrummy & McUnHappy Awareness Campaign

Being a part time vegetarian isn't so bad -- I've done it for years without any real trials or tribulations.

Just when I started wondering why people have an aversion toward a meat free lifestyle, PETA decided to step over into the dark side with their latest campaign, giving me all of the answers I ever needed.

I am REALLLLY REALLLLLLY interested to hear what dyed in the wool vegetarians think about PETA's latest marketing tactic and whether you think it might turn you off if you weren't already committed to a meat-free lifestyle.

To me, that's just PETA being well, PETA.  I might not always take their tactics seriously but I'm usually in agreement with their seemingly ultimate goal - to minimize and eventually eliminate the suffering of all animals.  Sometimes it takes "shock" tactics to really make people take notice.  Sometimes those shock tactics might turn people off - it's a balance and calculated risk, i suppose.

To be honest, even though their ads can have a tendency towards the exaggerated - i feel they at least have a much greater semblance of truth (it depicts murder and cruelty - which is a factual aspect of meat consumption) and I tend to be more insulted when i see a package off bacon or beef burgers with a smiling pig or cow.  There's no way of getting around that such advertisements are tantamount to an out and out lie.

My decisions are personal - so it's unlikely that PETA advertising, or a lack of thereof - would hold much weight either way.  I like to think that i'm able to focus more on the message trying to be conveyed, and less on the pagentry that may perhaps surround it.


My thoughts on PETA can be seen elsewhere, this is just another example of their shock and disturb tactics.

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