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Zeitgeist Movie

For those of you who wish to be enlightened on the issues embroiling our country, affecting our everyday lives, I highly HIGHLY recommend watching this fascinating and free movie: 
It is almost 2 hours long, but well worth the watch! 

i love this movie. actually, i think there is a thread about it. possibly called the exact same thing..


yea i posted about it a while ago. like in the summer/fall.

its pretty frightening


get your "real IDs" now!

people seem to happy to be getting them, have fun with the IDs with the computer chips in wont be able to fly without one by 2012

all in the name of making people "safer"...yeah, my fucking ass it will

anyways, this is all liked to zietgeist the movie, I recommend everyone watching it.even if your skeptical of its viewpoints


I watched that movie.  A lot of it seems like a consiracy theory type of thing, I am inclipned to take it with a grain of salt.  But I also watch the news the same way.  I am not sure what to believe.  But the thing about Jesus, that made a lot of sense.  But as far as the government implanting a chip to keep an eye on my every movement.  There are a lot of people out there, why would the government care to keep an eye on my every movement?  Now on the other hand, if I had been arrested as some point in time for some kind of violent crime, yes, I can see that.  But I am no criminal, why would they care what I do?

Just my two cents there.


But I am no criminal, why would they care what I do?

They don't know whether or not you're a criminal until they catch you..

I liked this movie, I haven't watched the whole thing.. The religion part made the most sense to me so far too,  but I totally wouldn't be surprised if it was all right on.


I recommend everyone watching it.even if your skeptical of its viewpoints

Conspiracy theories are only crazy because that is what the media feeds us. When viewed with open eyes it really is, well, obvious('obvious' having many implications). I'll have to digress as my tiredness must be catered to, (AKA sleep). You can bet your bottom that I'll be making another appearance in this thread.

By the way, watch this show!!

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