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Member since February 2013

Cheezy Baked Spaghetti Squash

What you need: 

1 spaghetti squash (each squash gives you two servings, size is up to you)

1 cup Yves Veggie Ground or ground beef subsitute of your choice, in Canada they have a great Superstore Brand veggie ground

1/2 cup Daiya Cheese or your preferred cheese subsitute

3 shakes Vegan Parmesan Shaker Cheese

1 tablespoon Earth Balance

2 cups tomato sauce

Optional to add in sauce:

5 mushrooms

1/2 onion

1/2 zuchini

10 kalamata olives

sprinkle of salt and pepper


Preheat Oven to 375 Fahrenheit

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 375 Farenheit

2. In a pot, prepare approximitely 2 cups of tomato sauce of your choice. Feel free to add all your favourite veggies. For me and my sisters that would be onion, zuchini,mushrooms, and kalamata olives.

3. When sauce is to your liking, add 1 cup veggie ground beef.

4. Prepare spaguetti squash by slicing in half, length wise. 

5. Scoop out seeds, making sure to not get rid of any of the "spaghetti noodles."

6. Spread Earth Balance on the edges of the squash.

7. Fill each half of squash with spaguetti sauce, be sure to keep it level with the opening of the squash, not overflowing.

8. Sprinkle with cheese substitute, and dust with "parmesan" , salt and pepper.

9. Set on baking sheet, and bake at 375 Farenheit for 20 minutes, or until squash appears moist for your preference.  


Preparation Time: 
Cooking Time: 


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