nicklamon posted a photo for the recipe Cheeze Ball.
nicklamon posted a photo for the recipe Dragonfly's Vegan Ribs.
nicklamon posted a photo for the recipe Sunflower Seed Sour Cream.
nicklamon posted a photo for the recipe .
nicklamon added a comment on the recipe Cauliflower Poppers:
I love browned cauliflower so this recipe really appealed to me.  It didn't disappoint.  They were great dipped  in tofutti sour cream. 
nicklamon added a comment on the recipe Yeminite Fenugreek Dip (Hilbey) :
Wow this stuff really packs a punch--very flavorful. Thanks for introducing us to this stuff.  I Googled it and there are many recipes that use it!
nicklamon added a comment on the recipe Fetti (Chickpeas and Yogurt) :
I have to admit I was a little bit confused about the first step in the recipe--so  I just sauteed the garlic (which i minced) and the chickpeas together first in a little olive oil.  I also