silentexplorer13 added a comment on the recipe Veggie Paninis :
For a little more flavor, add some dried herbs of your choice to the dough. This recipe is awesome!!!
And if you feel like doing a science experiment while trying to clean a surface needing something a little more abrasive, add some baking soda! It's fun to watch it fizzle.  :D
silentexplorer13 added a comment on the recipe Pasta Fazul:
Mmmmmm! My personal tastes tell me to go for olive oil instead and add a few good cloves of garlic. When in season I'll be using fresh tomatoes.  :)
silentexplorer13 added a comment on the recipe Sandwich Delish:
This sounds (as the title states) delish! I'll definitely be referencing this recipe next summer when the zucchini starts growing for a quick, easy meal.
silentexplorer13 added a comment on the recipe Sweet Corn and Beans:
I sometimes like to add 4-6 very ripe tomatoes... they add a nice flavor and a little more color!
silentexplorer13 added a comment on the recipe Spiced Lentil Carrot Veggie Burgers:
These are 10x better than any black bean burger I've tried to make! They hold together really well, and the suggested seasonings are noticeable, yet subtle enough not to get in the way.
silentexplorer13 posted a new recipe.