vabeachraw added a comment on the recipe Avocado Fries:
Loves it! i tried this recipe tonight, and made some extra and stashed in the fridge as part of a quick on-the-go meal during the week when i am working long hours!!! :)

vabeachraw added a comment on the recipe Avocado Fries:
i don't even use the dehydrator...then again, i feel i'm progressing away from it in my raw journey...i use it less like a crutch, and more like an occasional chair-i-grab-to-reach-something
vabeachraw added a comment on the recipe Raw Zucchini Hummus:
vabeachraw posted a new recipe.
vabeachraw posted a new recipe.
vabeachraw posted a new recipe.
vabeachraw posted a new recipe.
vabeachraw posted a new recipe.
vabeachraw posted a new recipe.
vabeachraw posted a new recipe.
