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Unwanted cat visitors in our yard... solution?

We have a spot for a pool in our yard which is covered in foam and sand on top of that and the cats around here (not ours, we don't have any) POOP in it!!!!!! GRRR.....
Is there something I can do until we get a pool to put over the area?? I can't do the constant clean up cat poop thing (pregnant, cat poop = bad)
I've heard of something called NO KITTY (you know it's like a powder with icky smell to them so they go away) You are supposed to be able to put it around the border of your yard and they stay out... but it is dangerous? Is it a chemical? Would it hurt the cats? Or anything else?
Is there a better more natural option??

Cats hate citrus, so if you have lemon or orange rinds you could scatter around in the area, or spray citrus oil around.


Hmmmm... I just so happened to have made lemonade last weekend and there are a TON of lemons rinds in our "husband's job to take it to/NO, wife's job to take it" to the compost bin which surprise, surprise is still on the back porch full on lemon rinds!
So this cat citrus thing is good.... I'll get points for doing something with the compost (which means next time it's his job!!) and i'll maybe get the cats to go away! cool!


Just mix some hot sauce and water in a spray bottle and spray the whole area. It works for cats, dogs, raccoons, deer, you name it...(except of some birds). ;)


Hot sauce awesome!
Cuz I just realized that eventually someone would have to pick up the lemon peels...  ::)


Out in the open like that they would rot eventually.  I don't know how long it would take, though.  I don't know how rainy it is where you are but around here, it's been raining everyday for the past couple of weeks.  If I used the hot sauce, I'd have to reapply everyday and once you throw down the lemon peels they are there for a while.  Too bad lemon peels wouldn't repel the bugs that are eating my basil plant.  I tried mixing cayenne pepper and water in a spray bottle and twice its broken the spray bottle. It won't spray anymore and rinsing it out and using plain water doesn't fix it.  It's just a bottle now.  I may be making it too strong but it does something to the plastic mechanism of the sprayer.  ???


You can buy a sprinkler on a motion sensor...



You can buy a sprinkler on a motion sensor...


While I adore cats and wish them no harm, I do giggle at the image this creates in my head  ;D


Hot sauce and water is not working  :-\
I basically mixed half a bottle of tabasco in regular size spray bottle of water and did multiple applications.

...yet a cat still pooped in my laundry room... I'm not a happy person.  *sigh* ;)


I use something called "liquid fence" around my vegetable garden to keep bunnies out, maybe that would work on cats? You could get it at a garden center. I spray it around the perimeter of my garden. Just be careful not to use it if its going to rain. & If it does rain spray it again.


thanks!! that's exactly what i was looking for.
it says it's safe, natural, earth friendly and won't harm animals or your family.

hmm... LOL now i just have to figure if they'll ship to me...


You might be able to find it somewhere.  I've found it at just regular garden centers/ hardware stores


i'm in germany.
I've tried many hardware/garden centesr and they only have this kind of thing to for keeping gophers/moles out.


ooooh sorry, just like an egocentric american to think everyone is here!  ::)


ooooh sorry, just like an egocentric american to think everyone is here!  ::)

heehee i do it too... i've assumed people are in the US here on vegweb and often it turns out they are actually in canada  ::)


get a dog

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