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New 2010 meet up poll, and discussion!

Let's get this started, bitchez. I can start saving after a while..........hopefully.

You can have one choice, but may change your vote. I'm undecided! Asheville would be good, but I'm up for any of them.

Sounds like we're all just going to crash at L2A's.........slumber party!


VS you can totally camp in my yard~!I have room for about 10 tents if anyone is interested.
I believe I did offer my spare room to Lotus and her bed partners now that I think about it. Maybe that would include BP.
BP, I think Lotus is 2.5 hours away.
I will host a potluck! DH will probably kill, me but I'll do it!


HAHA  I can see us all storming the house at  midnight with all our gear demanding tofu and beds.


Nice how the west coast is completely ignored in the options...


This is the second poll with the top three locations. Portland, Seattle, LA and San Diego (I think) were all there.


Nice how the west coast is completely ignored in the options...

it was on the west coast in 09
just tryin to change things up!


Hi guys,
  When you are picking a date for this bear in mind that June/July is peak festival season around here.  If you plan around some of the smaller festivals, you shouldn't have trouble finding accommodations.

Look out for Belle Chere, however: July 23-25th.  It's a lot of fun and totally worth a visit then, but if you come then, get your lodging straight now otherwise you really will be camping in L2A's yard.  I don't think they've released the music line-up yet, but they shut down most of downtown and plop a stage at each end and there is music, booze, junk food, crafts, and general revelry for 72 hours.  Good times.

<<<That pic of me was taken during Belle Chere 07 (08, maybe).

Here's some good info about Asheville:
and our "what-to-do" guide:

oh, look it's snowing again...awesome *sarcasm b/c nutdragon is really f-in sick of snow right now*


AH HA! I was wondering what was going on when I was down there last. I was there the year before last in late July and there was a huge festival going on with literally almost every block closed off. I had a super awesome time walking around looking at all the vendors and listening to the music. I even participated in a drum circle in a park (totally awesome, even though I suck at bongo). Loads of fun if your walking or on a bike not so great if your in a car. IDK about accomadations down there becuase I was staying in Bat Cave at the time. I'd definatly be down for camping in a back yard though, as long as we could make smores! And I can't wait to go to Rosettas kitchen again, mmmm.

PS: I feel your pain nutdragon, I was supposed to go to my friends show tonight but its snowing something serious here, BOO!


Look out for Belle Chere, however: July 23-25th.  It's a lot of fun and totally worth a visit then, but if you come then, get your lodging straight now otherwise you really will be camping in L2A's yard.  I don't think they've released the music line-up yet, but they shut down most of downtown and plop a stage at each end and there is music, booze, junk food, crafts, and general revelry for 72 hours.  Good times.

Into it.


Look out for Belle Chere, however: July 23-25th.  It's a lot of fun and totally worth a visit then, but if you come then, get your lodging straight now otherwise you really will be camping in L2A's yard.  I don't think they've released the music line-up yet, but they shut down most of downtown and plop a stage at each end and there is music, booze, junk food, crafts, and general revelry for 72 hours.  Good times.

Into it.

I sooo can't wait to meet you.  seriously.


Nice how the west coast is completely ignored in the options...

it was on the west coast in 09
just tryin to change things up!

Sorry, my bad. I wasn't here then.  :-\


Bele Chere, the festival that Nutdragon mentioned, is going to be July 23-25. It is a good time, but as she said, lodging may be an issue because it is so huge.


so....of course I am reading this three months after the poll started and read EVERY post in the whole thread secretly rooting for Asheville 'cause it was the only city I've never been to of the three. Because I like lists here I go:

1 - L2A, I am not beneath bribing you with an official Vegweb t-shirt circa 2007 in exchange for a bed.
2 - Secondbase, I will drink you under the table with whiskey and then beat you in one-armed push-ups rawr!
3 - Camillus, your growling terrifies me
4 - BP, isn't conference season in March, and aren't you coming to Boston?



Whisky drinking contests!!!! I am loving your beautious people more and more everyday. :)>>>  IDK, about one armed push ups though, but I will bring cake, lots and lots of cake.


all i have to say is that i just ate some of an AMAZING cinnamon roll from Vegan Treats and you guys are crazy for going anywhere besides nyc or philly.  srsly. 


Don't worry Propinecone! Av has it's own yummy veganness every where! You should come! I will personally show you the yummyummms!


I'm probably going to bring some baked goods for y'all.


I'm probably going to bring some baked goods for y'all.

And I will eat them!  That is... if I can make it.  I have NO idea where I'm going to be after this June.  Just sitting here... waiting and waiting.....


Don't worry Propinecone! Av has it's own yummy veganness every where! You should come! I will personally show you the yummyummms!

Vegan Treats is in a whole nother class of yummyyummms..  you don't know til you know.  but if i happen to come, i will definitely try whatever ashville has to offer.

eta:  i don't think im coming - it's pretty pricey to fly into asheville!


Just so everyone knows, you can also fly into GREENVILLE SOUTH CAROLINA and it's much cheaper (esp. on Allegient Air). It's a little over an hour away from Asheville.
Charlotte is an option too (it's a big hub) but it is closer to two hours away.
Asheville typically is expensive to fly into, but once in a while you can find a reasonable price.

I just found a website that had a round trip from chicago to AV for $177.

another site I've had luck with is



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