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 We utulize the latest medication to terminate your pregnancy. quickly and safely. The center provides services during a wide variety of times, seven days a week. We can also deliver the medicine to your location. In actual fact early abortion is similar to your monthly menstruation nothing more nothing less. If you got pregnant you know what menstruation is about. That is exactly what will happen when you terminate your pregnancy during the early stages. IMMEDIATE REASSURANCE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ALWAYS AVAILABLE ~ 24 HOURS A DAY ~ 7 DAYS A WEEK Same day appointments can be arranged. Procedure: During this period as alluded to earlier you have a zygote or fetus as opposed to a baby with human parts. The best way to get read-off this fetus is through medical abortion. You are given a set of pills to use orally and vaginally. Orally the pills cut-off the blood to the fetus and vaginally it induces the miscarriage. Confidential Is the procedure  Are your in your early pregnancy? We can help you terminate if this is your choice. Termination is legal in South Africa within the 1st trimester without questions. We have clinics that specialise confidential?                 

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