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buyng in bulk?

Does anyone buy dried beans and vital wheat gluten, etc over the internet?  If so where?

Seems the quality of the beans locally is less then I would like and vital wheat is VERY expensive.


I buy wheat gluten through amazon. Hodgson Mill Gluten

This is the cheapest way I've found for me - I have it on "Subscribe and Save" so I don't have to pay shipping charges.


I buy nutritional yeast, vital wheat gluten, and some other miscellaneous stuff that can be expensive locally through  I like it because it is cheap and you don't have to buy an absolute ton.  Highly recommended!


I buy nutritional yeast, vital wheat gluten, and some other miscellaneous stuff that can be expensive locally through  I like it because it is cheap and you don't have to buy an absolute ton.  Highly recommended!

I looked at this place before and just looked again and can't find the wheat gluten on the site.  I just did a search and found it.  LMT, do you buy beans through this site?  How is their quality if you do?

Thank you both for your suggestions.


Sorry, I've never bought beans...the only other thing I've gotten through them is cocoa, basmati rice, baking soda, and cashews.  Their quality has been good with the stuff I have gotten though, so I would guess it would be fine.  You may want to do a forum search of vegweb for discussions.  I got the tip to use them from a forum, so maybe the posters that were discussing the one I read bought beans and commented on them?


I always wanted to buy bullk foods online so I can save some money but then I find out the shipping fees... :( What a bummer those fees are. But now that pixie8i8 said that you can get shipping free if you subscribe to amazon, I'm definitely gonna try it! Thanks pixie8i8! Good post question too gardengirl!


I've found that the cheapest place to buy in bulk is at the local food co-op (if you're a member).Another place I've found is the local whole foods store. Many times they will give you a discount for buying in bulk or by the case.


Ooh... I should try that bulk thing in whole foods next time. Thanks hiker6699!


Bob's red mill has a good internet catalogue too.

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