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Marie Stope Clinic 0835746385 In Maseru, Maputo, Kampala, Kigali, Congo, Abuja, Dar el Salaam, Kinshasha, Nairobi, Kenya, Vietnam, UK, Belgium, Mexico, Brazil

Dr Shana women’s / Abortion clinic (0835746385) is a legalized abortion clinic with several branches in Southern Africa offering same day confidentially pain free Termination Of Pregnancy Services to ladies who are experiencing unwanted pregnancies. We specialize in medical abortion with the help of medically approved abortion pills to terminate the pregnancy without any complications.After the termination has taken place you will have to come in for a free check up and then have your womb cleaned to ensure that the abortion does not interfere with your future when you ready to have kids again. With our modern well equipped primary health care facilities, we ensure a private environment because we believe that we are involved with sensitive issues.



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