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nutritional yeast-what is it?


i was wondering what nutritional yeast is, i see a lot of vegan/vegetarian recipes using it (and other types of yeast as well)

isn't yeast "not great" for us?

what if you have yeast problems...i might but don't know

im just a little leary of the "yeast" i have only ever used yeast in bread and it acted as a rising agent but in the vegan recipes its for a different purpose i see

i cannot eat bread anymore and  im not sure if its the flour or if its the yeast...i have no idea i just know when i eat it my stomache  swells like i swallowed a balloon

anyway im babbling now soooo if you could lend a helping hand in my yeast scenereo i'd surely appreciate

bless you and thankyou

Nutritional yeast is NOT the same as the active yeast you use for making bread!

Nutritional yeast is an INACTIVE yeast that gives things a cheesy flavor. It is also one of the only vegan sources of vitamin B-12. You can usually purchase it at health food stores. I pretty much put it on everything.....Try it-- it's great!


You don't need to worry about nutritional yeast--it is not an "active" yeast like bread yeast. Bread yeast is used to make bread rise, it is an active organism. Nutritional yeast is grown on molasses and is used as a nutritional supplement. It is rich in B12 vitamins, which are not otherwise available in a vegan diet.

This is quoted from the wikipedia:

"Nutritional yeast, similar to brewer's yeast, is a nutritional supplement popular with vegans and the health conscious who use it as an ingredient in recipes or simply as a condiment. It is a deactivated yeast.

It is an excellent source of protein and vitamins, especially the B-complex vitamins. It is also naturally low in fat and sodium. Some brands of nutritional yeast, though not all, also contain vitamin B12, which is rare in non-animal sources.

Nutritional yeast has a nutty cheesy creamy flavor which makes it popular as an ingredient in cheese substitutes. Another popular use is as a topping for popcorn. Some progressive movie theaters are beginning to offer it along with salt or cayenne pepper as popcorn condiments.

It comes in the form of a yellow powder similar in texture to cornmeal, or in flakes, and can usually be found in the bulk aisle of most natural food stores."



sweet information guys!

i feel much better now and im gonna give it a whirl.

thanx bunches

bless you


The first time i made a mock cheese sauce with nutritional yeast i was like eeewwwwww, and i had to throw it away.....But then it was just sitting in the pantry so i decided i must finish it. I put it on my pinto bean soup/stew my mumsies makes and it was just awesome. I just sprinkled it on! It is also really good on a wheat tortilla/pita with tomatoe sauce and nutritional yeast and then broil it and its like a mini pizza!

I love nutritional yeast!

.....sorry to put you through my boring story about nutritional yeast  :-[


I had the same reaction to it at first, weelittlebuddy.  Didn't care for it at first, but grew to really love it.  I guess it's an acquired taste for some of us.  ;)

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