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Sameday Abortion Clinics 0835746385 In Ladysmith, Qwaqwa, Greytown, Pine Town, Ulundi, Eshowe, Nongoma

Our physicians will review your medical history and an ultrasound will confirm that the pregnancy is early enough on to perform this procedure. You will be informed of any risks or benefits during your visit, and any question you have will be addressed at this time.

The first dose of Mifiprex/Mifepristone is administered in the office, and taken orally. The second dose (Misoprostol) is give to the patient with instructions to take home with them. Mifepristone can also be administered in smaller doses and used as an emergency contraceptive.

What to expect after:

Patients often experience abdominal pain, cramping, and vaginal bleeding or spotting for approximately 9 to 16 days. Other less-common side effects include dizziness/nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue.


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