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ways to incorporate more "green leafy veggies"

we've all heard they're good for you, we all know they're good for us. But how exactly can I sneak them into my diet more? I would prefer ways to use them in foods I already eat instead of some recipe for kale kabobs with spinich pancakes ;)

how do YOu make sure you get your daily leafy greens?

I saute collards, kale, or spinach for just a few minutes in a little olive oil with lots of salt and pepper. I eat a bunch with almost every meal. When I am not eating it, I am thinking about eating it (another obsession, I guess!).


Add to pasta sauce, curries, stuffings, and pizza toppings.

(I am wearing my "Eat More Greens" t-shirt right now, LOL  :D)

Does yours have Bambi on it? If so, I have the SAME shirt!  I love it because it sends a message but isn't too pushy or preachy!


Like mdvegan I chuck spinach or other leafy goodness into all kinds of things: pasta sauce, soup, curry, chana masala... basically anything I think could use a little more colour!


I always throw greens in all of my soups. You can also make great green smoothies.




and more salads!



I haven't tried it, but I understand that you can make a kind of pesto with lacinato kale by chopping it up really finely (in a food processor, I imagine) with garlic, olive oil, etc., and then eat it with pasta, rice, roasted veggies, or whatever else you would eat pesto with. On sliced, toasted baguette? Also, there are some very intriguing recipes on this site that use collard leaves as wraps for various kinds of fillings.


green sounds gross, but it's really good. If I'm busy I'll have 2 in one day and it gives me a real shot of energy. One is the equivilent of a large salad.


green smoothies are the bomb! i like using kale with some frozen apple chunks


sandwiches.  spinach is so much better than lettuce on sandwiches.


green sounds gross, but it's really good. If I'm busy I'll have 2 in one day and it gives me a real shot of energy. One is the equivilent of a large salad.

After your other post, I decided to try them. You're right--they are so good!

Yah! I'm glad you like it!


Ok, you guys inspired me to try me first green smoothie and... DAMN!  It's sooo yummy!  The greens add a whole other dimension to the smoothie, they kind of balance out the sweetness of the fruit, but enhance the flavours if you know what I mean.  In any case, this will def become a regular snack in my house!  Who knew that spinach, apple, mango and ginger would go together so well...  ;D


Ok, you guys inspired me to try me first green smoothie and... d**n!  It's sooo yummy!  The greens add a whole other dimension to the smoothie, they kind of balance out the sweetness of the fruit, but enhance the flavours if you know what I mean.  In any case, this will def become a regular snack in my house!  Who knew that spinach, apple, mango and ginger would go together so well...  ;D

hmmm...I've never tried ginger! I will have to give it a go.

I like putting Avacado in because it makes the smoothie thick and smooth like a shake


so this is an old thread i started a while ago but i'm really interested in more ideas. I have begun adding kale to my pasta sauces whenever I eat it and I have had a few green smoothies recently but I have yet to find a recipe that calls to me. Anyone have any ideas? Any other suggestions?

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