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What do you eat when you need instant energy?

Like for that mid-day slump? I could use some ideas! Thanks

I have eaten PB and Js on whole grain bread, bananas, a handful of nuts, or a Larabar.  Those are some of my faves, but I eat throughout the day, so I haven't gotten one of those slumps in a while.  Do you eat in between meals?  Sometimes its good to that, that way you don't overeat at your next meal, or get tired from having no energy.  Hope this helps! 


I have been having cereal breakfast (and I feel good all morning). I excercise for my lunchbreak. Then I usually have a salad or sometimes a pita sandwich with peanutbutter, tomatoes, and lettuce. Then I munch on ricecakes throughout the day. But I just have such a hard time around 3:30-5, when work slows down and the slump sets in. Sometimes having an apple helps, but since they are not really in season anymore it is hard to find a good one - so I was looking for other ideas.


Maybe the rice cakes are giving you a energy boost and then a crash??  That used to happen to me as I am hypoglycemic.  I stay away from refined or processed carbs.  Try the peanut or even better..CASHEW butter w/ a sugarless fruit spread on a sprouted whole grain bread.  Alvarado Bakery breads are organic whole grain sprouted breads that are the best around in my opinion! I also throw cashew butter, walnuts or cashews, and dried dates or raisens in the food processor and blend it.  It is very thick, and then i roll it into little balls for little snacks.  They keep well in the fridge for a while.     


I like a small handful of dried fruit & some raw nuts like cashews or almonds.


Yeah, for instant energy I try to stay away from all carby things, including fruits, which will give me a headache if I eat them on an empty stomach (I have become very sensitive to sugar, even natural sugars in fruits).

I like to eat a small handful of almonds, some veggies with hummus, a few olives, or if I have thought ahead, I like a complete salad (will have nuts, a homemade dressing with no added sugar, lots of vegetables) or some homemade vegan low-sugar je110 (see veganlunchbox for a recent recipe).


I love nuts, especially cashews. I make my own seasoned roasted cashews: just take whatever amount you feel like making, put in a bowl, and coat with Braggs. Then add seasonings. My latest favorite is granulated garlic and granulated toasted onion (available from Penzey's). Then roast in a 350 oven for about 15 minutes. It's a great snack.


I don't have problems with mid-slumps, probably because I'm so busy running around at work.  But I do find eating fat, protein and carbs gives me both an instant boost and long term energy.  I find getting and instant boost only leaves to a crash later if I don't include some fat and protein.  I usually eat every four hours or so.

It seem to me as someone suggested you're eating too many carbs that might cause a crash with your blood sugar.  Otherwise you might not be getting enough sleep, or might just be bored. 

Add some peanut butter to the rice cake, or hummous, or eat some marinated tofu.  Sounds like you're eating very light for someone that exercises during the day.  Maybe make your lunch your big meal for the day and save the salad for supper.

Good luck.


Thanks so much for the ideas! Seems like everyone agrees that nuts are a good idea. This week I am not taking the rice cakes (thanks for the tip about the carb crash), but I will be taking along peanut butter on a wheat pita and a bag of mixed nuts to snack on in between meals. We'll see how it goes! Thanks for all your help.

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