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White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies!

Okay, so I'm in the process of perfecting my recipe for vegan white chocolate based on ingredients that were available to me semi-locally (unfortunately in CT you sometimes have to drive here there and everywhere to get the right stuff). Once I do, I will be making white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for a friend.

I don't really like these kinds of cookies (GASP! i know) so I don't know which is preferable...the kind with the vanilla/white dough or the kind with the chocolate/brown dough. Please let me know.

I'm also going to try to make some truffles and filled chocolates with the white chocolate...don't know if the vegan white chocolate will set properly, don't see why it wouldn't.

I'll post all recipes/pictures once I'm successful and have passed a few taste tests!  ;D

When making White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies, I like to use Orange extract instead of Vanilla


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the orange extract sounds like a great idea! i'm considering adding a pinch of coconut...don't know what will happen yet with the cookie base recipe when i do that part tomorrow.

i'm also using some mac nut butter in place of some of the oil/butter in the recipe.

i'm thisclose to getting the white chocolate recipe right. i'm attempting to temper it now to make not-grainy chocolate chunks.

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