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Disgusted with the Obama's diet and lifestyle

I am not looking for a fight here and please, let's not get personal here.  Just expressing an opinion on a vegan website, that is all.  I am just wondering if any other vegans have similar feelings/thoughts on this.

I don't respect the Obama's diet and lifestyle.  Why? Because they advertised themselves as visionaries and progressive but do not live this way. They don't practice what they preach. I expected more from them.

One thing I am really disgusted with is their diet.  They have all the money they need to be a positive example to the country in terms of diet. They could be eating exciting, healthy, more plant based meals..but what do they choose? They choose hamburgers frequently and very expensive meats, lobster, caviar and anything else that is considered high status.  They eat that expensive Japanese meat, Wagyu steaks, and Spanish Hams.  Blech!!!

They have access to any diet in the world..yet they choose frequently something as banal  as hamburgers .  I don't feel they are truly progressive as they like to see themselves.  My motto is "high thinking, simple living" and I really love to live this way.  From the way Obama and Michelle preached to us, they would like US to live that way, too..except that they DON'T.  Instead, they are very luxury orientated, very pleasure orientated be damned animals, the environment or health.  Their diets are totally lacking in creativity, even with all their resources.  They are the opposite: "High living, simple thinking".

Also, Michelle's designer clothes fixation, shopping, expensive trips. I feel this is what she is about, not higher values as she claims to have.  I personally love fashion myself but I deplore "designer" fashion.  It just seems tasteless to me, especially in a bad economy and it's just so unecessary and it shows what she is status. 

I would not be making these comments IF they didn't present themselves as "different" or "progressive". If they were any old politician I would not say anything because I don't expect more from other politicians.  But Barack Obama made himself out to be different.  Also the fact that they are asking us us to share more of our pie for others, yet they aren't doing it themselves?  They are more into luxury and status than ever.  I doubt they would be happy living a simple life, seriously.  I think they are addicted to luxury.

And no, I am not envious.  I truly love a simple life.  I don't need nor do I care about name brands, fancy meats...I find all of that stuff repulsive and in bad taste.  I am very happy to be me...someone who gets a lot of joy from simple delicious meals and shopping bargains.  Someone who cares about animals and cruelty.

I thought they would be better.  They could be better if they wanted to, but they choose not to. Sigh.

Politicians are often all about appearing to be one thing until they get elected, and then "suddenly" becoming another. It goes with the territory. I am not saying it's admirable, far from it--just common. Clinton "plays veg*n" in the States and holds forth about it to the press...then he comes here to Spain and gorges on beef and pork. Of course, the US media aren't here...


eh, i didn't ever expect him to actually be progressive.


I didn't know he and Michelle promised to not eat fancy foods and not wear designer clothes. Maybe they don't see anything wrong with how they live and are going to keep doing what they millions of other people in this country who may be ignorant of how harmful they're lifestyles are.


You don't like locally grown organic produce?  I'm a fan of their garden.


You don't like locally grown organic produce?  I'm a fan of their garden.

Only if its organic...and they grow kale. Then I'd think they're halfway nifty (on the lifestyle thing).


Oh, sure, I love organic produce. I eat the stuff everyday...but does Michelle actually WORK in the garden, as in get dirty on her hands and knees or is it a photo opp so she can pretend to work in the garden. I just don't believe she actually does any work in the garden or takes any real pleasure in doing so.

Also, LedZep, no, of course they did not promise to eat fancy food or designer clothes and I wouldn't expect that. IT's just that they are asking US to give up more for the better good and they are constantly demonizing the "rich" yet they themselves act just like them.  They are preaching a certain kind of outlook/ethic yet they are just as materialistic as difference.  My opinion.


I love their organic garden. It was showcased on Iron Chef America, and I do believe Michelle gets her hands dirty in her garden. Also, Michelle is not as bad as she could be with clothing. With positions of power come certain expectations. I know the media have made a point about her wearing the same outfits more than once in the public eye.


I just don't believe she actually does any work in the garden or takes any real pleasure in doing so.

Unless you have articles and pictures and videos of things that most of America hasn't seen than this is a completely unfounded and uneducated opinion based on nothing but pure bias. Also, can you please provide links to sources where you got your original information? Unless we've all been studying their diet, I doubt we really know what they're eating and for all I know you're just throwing stuff up on a page.


Yeah politicians are puppets for the most part, their image is what gets them elected. Kucinich is a real vegan, but people who walk the walk don't tend to get very far in politics. (Maybe if he were "Black", but I digress...)


Minke...if I have time I'll find links again. There are lots. The types of meat they eat are not in dispute.  For instance the "Wagyu steak" is one of them that costs, I believe, close to $50 dollars a pound. In Spain, he enjoyed "Spanish Ham" that is $99.00 a lb.  You can google all of this.  On Michelle's latest trip she had lobster and cavier.

And, no one debates her designer clothes...even she says she wears them.

This stuff may not be talked about in detail but it is talked and written about.  These are things that are not in dispute.


I'd understand being upset if they were eating extravagantly on taxpayer dollars, but the President and family are billed for their non-formal-occasion food (i.e., they don't eat for free).  If they're paying for it with their own money, why does it matter what they eat?  Also, I think it's unrealistic to expect people to only eat what they grow and till themselves.  I don't think any of us eat solely out of our own gardens.  If I was super busy and had help, I'd definitely take it.  I think that they have an organic garden at the White House is cool outreach.

Not everyone has the same income.  If you go to school to become an attorney or engineer or whatever, you're very likely going to make more.  If you go to school for an English or general business degree, you're very likely going to make less.  People themselves have control over how much work they want to put in for the rewards they reap.  I could have been an engineer or geologist.  I think biology is more interesting, so I'm a biologist, understanding that I'm going to make less than the people I work with.  They own nicer cars and larger homes, but I'm not disgusted by them.  If I wanted those things, I would have been an engineer instead.


eh, i didn't ever expect him to actually be progressive.


I know he ate at a Rib place when he visited Asheville. It's a small restaurant-there are 2 in town owned by the same people. Someone told me that between just the two restaurants, they killed over 55,000 pigs in just one year. :(


Humboldt Honey, I have zero issues with people who live higher because they make more money. I DO have issues with the TASTE of our leaders, who are asking us to sacrifice for the greater good, and they are not.  I have an issue with them doing this while so many Americans can barely afford their groceries. I think it's thoughtless and in bad taste.

I'd understand being upset if they were eating extravagantly on taxpayer dollars, but the President and family are billed for their non-formal-occasion food (i.e., they don't eat for free).  If they're paying for it with their own money, why does it matter what they eat?  Also, I think it's unrealistic to expect people to only eat what they grow and till themselves.  I don't think any of us eat solely out of our own gardens.  If I was super busy and had help, I'd definitely take it.  I think that they have an organic garden at the White House is cool outreach.

Not everyone has the same income.  If you go to school to become an attorney or engineer or whatever, you're very likely going to make more.  If you go to school for an English or general business degree, you're very likely going to make less.  People themselves have control over how much work they want to put in for the rewards they reap.  I could have been an engineer or geologist.  I think biology is more interesting, so I'm a biologist, understanding that I'm going to make less than the people I work with.  They own nicer cars and larger homes, but I'm not disgusted by them.  If I wanted those things, I would have been an engineer instead.


I pinpointed yesterday why this bothers me.  Obama is preaching against excess in our society yet they are living in extreme excess.  Even their inaguration was the most expensive ever in the history of the US.    Witness their vacation, diet and overall lifestyle, they are not sacrificing anything while demanding that all of us for the greater good, do.

Just out of symbolic gesture it's nice to join in the sacrificing especially if you are demanding it from others.  And even more so because these are the values they preach.

I don't feel they are humble in the least.  I also think they feel entitled no matter how much Americans are suffering.

Well, so far I am the only vegan who feels this way! Thanks for allowing me to rant!


I like how Michelle picks alot of small independent designers, and helps them become well known.
And hey, at least they have an organic garden, that's probably more than most of us could say.


Be aware that they also have to project an appropriate image to other countries. However you personally feel about "high thinking, simple living", heads of state simply do not have the option to turn down food, particularly not when they are making state visits. The same is true of clothes and "expensive trips" - much of what they both do is state business, not happy funtimes. While in some Western countries there is increasing status in eco-credentials and simple living, the world is constantly watching and the majority of other countries expect a certain amount of pomp and circumstance from world leaders. If Michelle Obama walked into a state event wearing something from the high street, she'd be laughed out of town (and there'd probably be a bunch of people from forums like this self-righteously talking about how high street fashion is bad and wrong).

Like royalty in the UK, a vast amount of both of their day to day lives is regimented and scheduled. The Queen of England is in her 80s and she frequently attends up to 500 events a year. The same is true of a working head of state: there simply isn't time to grow all their food kitchen gardens and handmake their own clothes from organic hemp. It isn't realistic. As I recall they are both proponents of organic food and a lot of what they eat at home is grown in their garden, even if it isn't specifically by them. And once again, if they DID spend time gardening and eating vegan and sourcing things which you consider appropriately ethical, there'd be a whole bunch of people lined up to critique their time-wasting, or "anti-American" veganism, or Michelle's clothing, or something something something.

You're taking the media-projected public image that they project out of necessity, and using it to "prove" that they are materialistic and ignorant. Unless you know their preferences and private choices, you simply can't judge. There's a bigger picture here than their food choices.


Be aware that they also have to project an appropriate image to other countries. However you personally feel about "high thinking, simple living", heads of state simply do not have the option to turn down food, particularly not when they are making state visits. The same is true of clothes and "expensive trips" - much of what they both do is state business, not happy funtimes. While in some Western countries there is increasing status in eco-credentials and simple living, the world is constantly watching and the majority of other countries expect a certain amount of pomp and circumstance from world leaders. If Michelle Obama walked into a state event wearing something from the high street, she'd be laughed out of town (and there'd probably be a bunch of people from forums like this self-righteously talking about how high street fashion is bad and wrong).

Like royalty in the UK, a vast amount of both of their day to day lives is regimented and scheduled. The Queen of England is in her 80s and she frequently attends up to 500 events a year. The same is true of a working head of state: there simply isn't time to grow all their food kitchen gardens and handmake their own clothes from organic hemp. It isn't realistic. As I recall they are both proponents of organic food and a lot of what they eat at home is grown in their garden, even if it isn't specifically by them. And once again, if they DID spend time gardening and eating vegan and sourcing things which you consider appropriately ethical, there'd be a whole bunch of people lined up to critique their time-wasting, or "anti-American" veganism, or Michelle's clothing, or something something something.

You're taking the media-projected public image that they project out of necessity, and using it to "prove" that they are materialistic and ignorant. Unless you know their preferences and private choices, you simply can't judge. There's a bigger picture here than their food choices.

+1. Catski wrapped everything that I was thinking up perfectly.


Thank you, Catski, for articulating what I could not.


Ditto what Catski said. And, isn't it good for everyone else to stimulate the economy? Anyway, I would hope President Obama is not thinking about this, and is instead focusing on what he can get done in the rest of his first term. I mean if the very worst of his problems is has to do with how much his meals and clothes cost, then I think we would have it very good. I don't he has any Marie Antoinette in his personality so I think he's fine.

And I don't mean to sound brash, but when did it become the President's duty to make sure everyone else has enough before he did anything? There will always be people who can't afford groceries, always people who constantly do without, recession or not and life has to go on.



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