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Hi there. How ya doing. Thats good. My name is John. I'm from Illinois and I'm 23 and I just found this website yesterday.  ;D

Two things (yesterday) lead me to my interest to become vegetarian again.  I tried when I was younger but failed, because one day I got a craving and just gave in. I believe I'm stronger now. One of the things that caused me to rethink my eating habits was this; I watched a movie called Earthlings. Shocked the hell outta me.  :o Made me question what right I had to take life from another living thing just to appease my taste buds. Also last night I had some eggs for dinner (I like breakfast for dinner sometimes  :P) and after I was done eating, I wondered what kind of cholesterol they had in them. So I went to go check the box and ONE EGG had 71% of my Daily recommended serving of cholesterol.  :o And I had two eggs.  :-\ That along with how much cholesterol and saturated fat comes from meat made me rethink things also.

Now I want to say I'm not going vegan. (baby steps  :P) But what I am going to try and do is be a Lacto-vegetarian. (The kind that doesn't eat anything with eggs but only dairy). I can't stand not having my milk. Soy milk is just to sweet and artificial tasting to me.

Hope to meet lots of fun people here, and get some help with the recipes and possibly contribute some of my own. I love to cook.

Now I have a question. Am I getting into something that will be to difficult for me if I HATE cooked mushrooms (I like them raw) and tomatoes generally (I still like tomato sauce, soup, salsa, bruschetta, etc., I just can't eat raw whole tomatoes )??? I LOVE cabbage in quite a bit (if cooked properly), carrots, broccoli, hick-ah-ma (I can't spell  :'(  :-D), cucumbers, onions, radish, spinach, and other things, but those two things mentioned above I can't handle to easy. I realize being vegetarian isn't only eating veggies but just wondering.

Now just because I want to use this...

See ya around!  :>

There's plenty of good recipes without tomato and mushrooms, so I think that you'll be o.k.

Good luck and welcome to Vegweb!!!


Yeah I hate raw tomatoes too, thankfully most recipes call for them to be cooked in some way.

I used to hate soy milk but then I tried brands other than Silk (which is disgusting), I like 8th Continent and a bunch of brands in Europe, and even homemade soy milk from a soy milk machine is better than Silk. Most brands are still kind of blah on their own, but in cereals and meals and stuff they're great, or in hot chocolate.

Welcome to Vegweb!


I can't stand not having my milk. Soy milk is just to sweet and artificial tasting to me.

Unsweetened almond milk is tasty.  Even omnis like it.


I don't know why anyone would drink soy/almond/rice/hemp milks plain....yuk ick poo.  But in cereal and cooking almond milk is pretty good. 


I am not a huge fan of raw tomatoes either! I've tried so many times to get into them but we'll just never be best friends. That's okay, there are tons of other veggies to use so you don't have to love them! Plus being vegetarian isn't just about vegetables, it's about a million different kinds of food. We have over 13,000 recipes on this site alone!

Agreed with HH on almond milk... it's my favorite. Almond milk and cherrios = perfect breakfast! However, you should try the gamut (soy/almond/rice/hemp milks) before deciding that you hate them all. Sometimes it just takes a little getting used to. Imagine if you were to try cow's milk for the first time as an adult, you'd probably be repulsed! If you're like Tweety and don't like any of 'em solo, there are tons of other great beverages to enjoy!

And welcome to VegWeb... I hope we can help you find out how delicious being veg can be!


It takes a lot of determination to be vegetarian. The longest for me is 7 days. I will try further.


It takes a lot of determination to be vegetarian. The longest for me is 7 days. I will try further.

It get's easy.  Most of us don't even give it a second though. 

Do a 30-day challenge and see how you feel.  All the best.


Hi guys, Im a newbie. Nice to join this forum.

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