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Hi! I'm a new vegan from AZ.

I have been vegan for about a month, and I love it so far! I've been making whole wheat pasta with vegetable sauce and tofu which is delicious! Also I cook ALOT OF pinto beans and home made tortillas. Im kinda running out of ideas though. I'm not that savy of a cook either. Any tips for a new vegan?

Well my only tip is... check out vegweb for recipes, there are TONS! Also, maybe if you had a particular type of food you wanted suggestions for recipes for or something...

also vegan dad and my veggie kitchen are awesome vegan blogs you could check out


Congrats on becoming vegan! I've been vegan around that same time too. :)  I second the recipe searching--thats what I do when I'm bored. There are so many good recipies on this site its fab!


Welcome to vegweb.  Lots of good recipes here.  Also cruise the cookbook forum we have here, lots of good cookbooks and recipes to try.  Best wishes. 


Welcome! I'm sure you will love life as a vegan. This website has so so many great recipes. Even if you aren't too skilled in the kitchen, there are lots of quick and easy recipes that taste amaaazing!


Thank you everyone for the warm welcome :) My only problem with most of the recipies is that alot of them contain very obscure ingredients, like flax oil, or curry powder. I have yet to find where to buy fake cheese, or vegan friendly chocolate.


flax oil? what the hell are you trying to make? i haven't even bought that and you could always buy it online... vegan cheese... over it! i almost always leave it off... it typically pollutes things rather than making things taste better! and curry powder? you can find that at any grocery store around here, store brand even... good luck


Hello Guy,
Congratulation on become of vegetarian. I am vegetarian from child hood.
Indian Share Market Tips
Sure Shot Tips
Mcx Tips


Well, if you are yet to find a vegan-friendly store near you, i would suggest finding one soon. they have so many meals, snacks, and ingredients. they are a bit pricey at times though  :-[
anyways, good luck!


Hello Guy,
Congratulation on become of vegetarian. I am vegetarian from child hood.
Indian Share Market Tips
Sure Shot Tips
Mcx Tips

sure buddy... SPAM is not vegan!


Curry powder obscure??  Say it isn't so.  It's in every spice rack in every grocery store around here. 

Fake cheese sux...don't waste a lot of effort on it.

But yes, since I've become veg over the years, I've tried a lot of new things that might be considered "oscure" the to person eating the standard American diet.  While that's tough, and even costly, at the beginning, I now have such a well-stocked pantry and kitchen I usually don't have to run to the store for stuff. 

There's a good cookbook called "the Supermarket Vegan" that contains only incredients you will find in a mainstream grocery store. 


You're in Tucson, right?

There's a good bit of Vegan-friendly restaurants and grocery stores in Your area.
My boyfriend used to work at Sunflower Farmer's Market, which he says is a lot like Whole Foods (of which there are two in Tucson).... Go there, and You should be able to find everything You need to establish an awesome vegan kitchen.

Tweety is right... foods that seem "obscure" to the SAD--like tempeh, nutritional yeast, even tofu--are not so hard to find in most cities. Most big chain grocery stores have curry powder and other "exotic" spices, and health food stores often have bulk spices, so You can buy as little or as much as You like and not waste packaging.

and I second the sentiment that faux cheese is just not that great.
Daiya and Follow Your Heart brands are pretty good, but You're not missing out if You can't find them.

and if nothing else, You've got this place... it's a great resource.
Welcome to VegWeb!

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