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Roll Call!

Edit.  The following intro is a bit old.  I unfortunately ended my long term relationship after nearly ten years.  Just couldn't be worked out.  I got the house and the dogs and am relatively happy now.  I finished my online RN to BSN program and am a genuine college graduate at the age of 48!!!  Woot!

Edit #2 - I finally reached the ripe old age of 50 and am feeling fabulous!  I always get the "you don't look 50" thing, and I attribute that to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

I deleted my Myspace page.  I do have Facebook and love to have vegwebbers for friends. You can private message me and I'll give you my name.  Or you can find me on the vegweb fan page.

Edit #3 - Finally went vegan.  The last couple of years, I've been slowly getting there, replacing household and personal products with vegan items such as vegan soaps, candles, cleaners.  I've bought vegan shoes, belts and wallets.  I'm loving it!  Decided to let my hair go naturally grey instead of coloring it so I don't get the "you don't look 50" thing as much anymore.  LOL  I now have a desk job in the admit-transfer center and hate it hate it hate.  I just can't be stuck behind a desk, and I'm the lookout for something else.

Edit #4 - Found a position at the hospital I currnetly work on an ortho floor.  I think I'll like returning to the bedside and not a desk job.  w00t

It's been a while and I thought it might be nice to for everyone who posts here to tell a little about yourself.  I took a little sabbatical from this site (went back to eating meat for two years..........bleech), but lurked from time to time, but have been a part of this site for gee, can it be 8 or more years????  But I don't know a lot of you. 

I am a nurse.  I am a male. (yes, a person who will remain nameless called me a "she".)  I am gay.  I've been in a monogamous relationship for the last nine years with a great guy who now travels a lot. I was an ovo-lacto veg*n for about 12 years before slipping, I plead insanity.

I'm currently in an online program to go from an ADN RN to BSN RN and hope to finally graduate from college at the age of 48 next year. 

I have a very boring blog here:

You're turn.  Tell me your business!

Hi!  I am Lysle, it has been a while since I have posted on the forum but I have been using vegweb for years now.  :-)


Hi ! I am Dina! It is so funny I have been reading forum and even posted here but just came across this topic, so I thought it won't hurt to check in! So anyhow I am Russian but I live in Washington state, USA. It has been 7 years since I moved here. I am very brand new vegan and I am so thankful that I found this web site. Thank you guys so much! You are a lot of fun :)


Hi there, My name's Autumn and I've been vegan for only a short time now (since June of last year.) I have been using Vegweb as a way to dream of what I soon will be able to make myself, but I'm right now in college and still stuck in the dorms... so no kitchen or even kitchette. So I mainly eat pasta and veggie wraps. Anything I am able to make with no small appliances or just a microwave is how I roll for now. But I still look at recipe each day to try and new products to try. If any one has a good college friendly... meaning no cooking or even many substitutes to use... I'd look to hear. :)


Ok hello everyone

I'm new rto vegan eating and I'm not sure yet if i'll stay completely Vegan.

I recently tried vegan cheese that came highly recommended off one of the receipies on this site. "follow your heart" chedder and YUCK!!!!!!!! I'ts got to get better than this?

Help Michael


Ok hello everyone

I'm new rto vegan eating and I'm not sure yet if i'll stay completely Vegan.

I recently tried vegan cheese that came highly recommended off one of the receipies on this site. "follow your heart" chedder and YUCK!!!!!!!! I'ts got to get better than this?

Help Michael

All vegan cheese is yuk....although some swear by a brand named "Daiya cheese" which I haven't tried it, as it's not available here.

Otherwise, my advise is to read up and watch videos on the cruel dairy industry to keep you on a vegan path.  I love cheese and didn't think I could live without it, but it's just one of the things I do for the animals, and I just have to give it up.  There are so many good vegan foods and recipes on this site you could eat a new exciting meal daily and never get bored.  Good luck.


I've been posting on here for a little while, and never "Formally" introduced myself.

My name is Jason, I have been coming to this site for quite some time, but didn't join until Nov.-Why I don't know?

I am a Devout 30 year old Vegan living in Ohio. I am a writer and Love Art/ Literature/ Animals/ Movies/ Music/ Etc.

I having been reading everyone's posts for a while, and just felt like I was one of the group... Sadly, I am not sure if my random posts have me on the "Vegweb" Cool People List, but I rest assured I want to be one!!!!!

I Love reading these, and the recipes are amazing.
Feel like I know some of you (Start the song Possession in Background) but I really do Love this place, and hope to meet more awesome Vegan people on here.

Been Veg for many years, and can honestly say that it is The Best Thing I Have Ever Done in My Life. Period!!!!


P.S.- I'm Not as Generic as My Name. LOL



wow is right, congrats on the healthy choices KCD!
JM33- my name is Jessica too, I am 27, AND I have a young 2 year-old! Come join in on the what did your kid eat today thread! It helps with ideas when the little ones, (or us,) get in food ruts...(sometimes I feel like my daughter only eats a couple foods, it can be frustrating),
NLMamma its been fun to have you contribute there!


Hi there. I'm new to vegetarian eating now but I've been lurking on this site for about a year now. I like to make vegan dishes when I can but I'm not sure I'll be able to make it all the way any time soon. I love milk too much :)>>> I love to try it out when I have enough time to experiement though. I think its fun to make dishes that still taste good using substitutes. My goal is always to make carnivores enjoy my cooking even when it uses tofu or something.


Hey all. 24 year old, vegan here. I was lacto-ovo for a while, recently made the switch to completely vegan. I'm in Virginia, the Hampton Roads area. This area is not so good for the eating out, but Norfolk isn't half bad.

I've got a mixed diet household, with me vegan, my fiance and his mother omni, and my son gluten and dairy free, who eats vegan with me, when it's also gluten free (so hardly any mock-meats, no seitan, etc. etc.).


Hello everybody, I'm new to vegan eating (2 weeks tomorrow).  My adult daughter (28 years) and I started on the same day.  It's surprising how easy it has been for me, thanks to some of the recipes on this site.  I thought it would be difficult but I haven't had any cravings.  I had considered going lacto-ovo as I've never been a huge meat eater anyway, but I figured I may as well go all out and give it a try.

I work in the computer industry and I'm living in Alberta, the heart of beef country!  I'm finding that it's not exactly vegan-friendly around here.  People don't mind my choice, but try to find vegan restaurants or vegan products!  You'd think an area with over a million people could do better than that!

I'm married (2nd time), with 6 kids between the two of us (hers, mine and ours) and we have 2 wonderful grandchildren.


Hi! I'm Milliebert, 41 from the UK.  I am actually a new vegan, like the poster above, just over two weeks, have been vegetarian since 1st Jan, so 30 days!  I am finding it very easy at the moment, my kids are being force fed a vegan diet at the moment but with very little protest and my partner is happy to be meat free for the time being.  My kitchen has been veganized, I had the oven cleaned, sorted all the cupboards and stocked up on some basic ingredients.  I'm always looking for something new though so if anyone has a favourite savoury, let me know!


Hi everyone!

My name is Kris and this is my first forum post but I have been a vegwebber for 5 years? now, I think, but I didn't become a member until 2007, I think. Anyway, I am 24 years old, a college grad (BS Chem), and I have been an egg-cheese vegetarian pretty much my whole life. I am not entirely vegan (though that's my aspiration) because one parent wanted it but the other didn't. Such is life.

Speaking of parents, I moved back home after college and I tutor my younger siblings (they're homeschooled, lucky ducks...) and help my sister out with her 18 month-old daughter (who is just ab-fab!). So I'm more like a stay-at-home mom than a single, carefree twenty-something, but I don't mind.

I absolutely love all of the recipes I have found here (they have saved the day on numerous occasions) and have contributed one or two of my own. I haven't really had the time to create new things since the birth of my niece but she is getting older and more independent so maybe I will get more kitchen experimenting time..hehe. I will also be dragging my sibs into the kitchen more often, especially since this spring we will be started our very own kitchen garden. I can't wait to taste a veg straight from the plant!

Crossing my fingers, wish us luck.


Hello, everyone. My name is Libby, and I'm new to veg-web and veganism in general. I'm on day 11 of veganism of a one month try out, and so far I am LOVING it. I've used a bunch of recipes from here already. :)

I live in Colorado with my partner who is not enjoying the vegan life very much, but she's being a trooper and sticking with it for February.

We have three dogs: a dachshund named Rufus, a chihuahua named Roxie, and a yorkie named Ruby.

I am a high school and college teacher in Denver, and I love my job most of the time. 


Hi all! 

I am a "new" vegan (since Christmas-time ... made a Tofurkey!  :D) and am absolutely loving it.  I love vegweb for recipes and reading entertainment.

I am a 24 y/o worman who is in a long-term relationship with my carnivorous, but otherwise wonderful boyfriend of over 5 years.  We have three dogs - one is a 120 lb beast!  We love them like children :)

My blog can be found here: .  It started out as a beauty review, deal-seeking kind of thing but has turned into a vegan, recipe posting, product-review kind of thing.  Please check it out!

Thanks  ;)b


Hello, I'm ruziko, but you may see me on other sites as Chenli (that tends to be my veg*n forum handle) or dynastygal.

I am very much into AR and I was vegetarian from the age of about 13 to
16 (I tried before I was 13 to go veggie but my willpower wasn't as
good as it is now), and then I "upgraded" to veganism when I was about
16 and a half. I'm now 21.

Unfortunately for myself, I was a naive vegetarian before becoming
vegan. It was only through seeing PETA videos that I realised the truth
behind my consumption of dairy and eggs.

Throughout my life, I have shared my homes with several companion
animals, all of which were and are rescues. When I was ever so young
(about 5 I think) we had two companion kittens called cleo and patra,
unfortunately, being a young child I was not best suited to caring
after kittens so as far as I've been told they went to a new home. When
I was about 6 or 7, we got Barney - a collie X Alsation from Wood Green
in Godmanchester - his previous "carers" had abused him, hence his
being at Wood Green. Alas, he had to be put down when I was 15 due to a
heart attack, but my love for him still remains. Now, we have three new
companion dogs - having got our first new one when I was about 18 from
an animal sanctuary run by vegans that I volunteer at. She's Naboo, a
10 yr old collie x. Next we have Sally, a 7 yr old collie x red setter
whom I fell in love with at an animal rescue place run by a friend of
the family and his vegan wife. Sally came when I was 19. Lastly, Rolo,
a collie x 5 yr old male came from a rescue place in Manchester...he's
a handful. Photos of all are in the photo section.

Moving on, Casper, a tabby queen who was rescued, in a sense (she came
to us), from a situation where she was basically a money-making
machine. She wasn't fed properly, nor did she or her kittens recieve
any prophylactic treatment. Same goes for all the other animals that
have passed through that household - it is estimated around 40+
cats/kittens have gone through that household in the past couple of
years. She now has a new home and is spayed and in good health. Her
son, Bob, is still with us as are three other cats from the same
household Casper was from; Bungle, Bungles daughter Bud, and Bungles
other daughter Stella. So yes, all the recently mentioned cats have
come from the same household, and 3 kittens also came from said
household about a year or so ago and were transfered to a farm
sanctuary as we are unable to look after so many cats!

I have also fostered a male kitten called Oscar for the sanctuary I
volunteer at as he was quite unsociable when he was first there. He now
has a lovely home with another rescue tabby. At the moment, I'm currently
fostering two kittens, Tilly and Jasmine (she
only has one eye).

As for other stuff about me, I've done a BTEC National Diploma in
Animal Management, I like anime, David Bowie, and the SAW movies. I
also love horror books, particularly Stephen King.


Hey there other vegwebs-

I am  Jennifer - a 23 years young recent college graduate. I got my BA in global studies at the University of Minnesota. I have been happily dating the same guy since right out of high school- about 4 years now. I plan on taking a year off and then returning to school to get my Masters in social work. Basically I want to be a good person, there is nothing I hate more than suffering- that's why I got my degree in Global Studies and am planning to go into social work. I am dedicated to human happiness- and its easy being a vegetarian/vegan - I eat milk/eggs from local farms and I KNOW how they operate.

I try not to buy tons of stuff, stuff does not make you happy- it just creates clutter and headaches.

I try not to be in debt- debt is not good- I live with my parents- it's cheap and I enjoy their company.

Right now I am a waitress at a sports bar- you gotta do what you gotta do! Hopefully I will not be doing this in 2-3 years down the road!

I love our dog, miniature schnauzer named T-bone. The dog I grew up with, same breed named Rocky, tragically was attacked by another dog in our neighborhood and he died in my arms. The attacker punctured his lungs and they filled with blood. Sadly, when we took the owners to court the judge did not want to pursue because she did not want a 'neighborhood war'. Since then, the attacker dog died because it wedged itself under their fence trying to get to a much smaller dog on the other side- it had a heart attack. Sadly the family that owned the attacker dog keeps buying new dogs, they run wild in the neighborhood and kill small animals.

I love dogs (can you tell?)


I love dogs too!!

My name is Louisa and I live in Minnesota.  I've recently made the switch to vegetarianism and hope to become a vegan soon.  My best friend has been a vegan for two years and has opened up my eyes to the world of what goes on with animals.  I hope one day I can be like her!!  I love animals!!!  Besides dogs, my favorite animal is a three toed sloth.  SO cute! :)>>>


I love dogs too!!

My name is Louisa and I live in Minnesota.  I've recently made the switch to vegetarianism and hope to become a vegan soon.  My best friend has been a vegan for two years and has opened up my eyes to the world of what goes on with animals.  I hope one day I can be like her!!  I love animals!!!  Besides dogs, my favorite animal is a three toed sloth.  SO cute! :)>>>

Hey there everyone, welcome aboard!
Louisa I'm in MN too, vegan-wise the Twin- Cities is pretty happening-for the midwest- If you're around the Twin Cities and haven't already, check out Pizza Luce, and Galactic pizza for yummy vegan cheese and sausage pizza, Ecoploitan has 100% raw, organic vegan food, Minneapolis has a good amount of veg-friendly restaurants and all of the co-ops in Minneapolis and Saint Paul can help inspire yummy vegan cooking. Good luck on the veg-journey, you won't regret it!


Hope I did this right. I am new here so please bear with me.. My name is Cheryl and I was vegetarian off and on since the 60's.I am now Vegan and so has my pug, Sophie... Active with Animal Rights since 1969 when i was able to be much more "radical" (if you take my meaning) than I am now. 
What a great time to be Vegan.. Sooooo many choices and wonderful products and information.. back in the day we had nasty veggie burgers in a can and not alot more.. LOL...
Anyway just wanted to make a brief introduction and am hoping to meet lots of new friends here!


Hello!  :)
My name is Chante, I'm 18 and I love to have fun! I have a pet european toad and two fire-belly toads ( Franz, Ticheli, and Herman). I love to volunteer at local wildlife refuges and play oboe  :>



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