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Tanevab please explain

How DO you make your own rice milk? I would love to try since I can't find unsweetened rice milk and I think it would be a nice change from soymilk in cooking. TIA!

Just take rice and grind it a little, then cover with water and let sit over night. You could put it in the fridge but I just leave mine out. The next day blend really well and then strain through cheese cloth. You may need to add more water to get it to the consistency that works for you. Chill and serve. yum 

Generally about 2 to 1 water to rice. I use white jasmine rice and have never tried brown rice. Maybe I will try that next.

Also you can add seasoning like cinnamon or nutmeg during the soak stage for extra flavor.

I hope this helps


Just to be clear, you soak raw rice and then grind that up the next day?  Or do you use cooked rice?  Sorry for the stupid question but I'm dying to try this.


I hope someone answers this soon. I read another post about making rice milk I would also LOVE to know how. I found a soybean milk machine but i'd like to try it before i buy it type thing. So I hope this taste as good as it does from the carton.  ::)


It would appear to be raw.
I don't know about the sugar...for those of us watching calories etc...but if it's bitter maybe it's necessary.


This recipe looks good, I'm going to give it a try today:

I have a lot of organic brown rice, and no money to buy soy milk, so I'll try anything! (:  My only worry about this recipe is completely blending the rice--the only blender I have is a smoothie maker contraption with little power, so I'm going to try and use my food processor instead.  I wonder if I could add hempseeds to this without compromising their nutritional content?

-edit-  I'm going to try and combine the above recipe with this one for hemp milk:  I don't have enough seeds to make two cups, so I might just experiment by adding 1/4-1/2 cup hempseeds to the rice milk.


Yes you use raw rice, sorry I didn't clarify. I don't use sugar in mine if I'm using it to bake, sometimes I add a little agave nectar if for drinking, but I don't like very sweet things in general.

idioglosia, please post how it works with brown rice, and cooking the mixture. I don't think that you need a superpowerful blender if the rice is well soaked in my method. Good luck.

BTW, this is also the same basic way that you make almond or cashew milk.


I just finished making my rice/hemp milk.  I know rice is a starch, but should it really be _this_ starchy?  I'm not sure I like it.  I've tried couple different commericial rice milks that I like (prefer soymilk), but this one isn't close to being on par with them.


Hmm.  I think I'll still try it when I have a chance.  I wish there were an unsweetened rice dream.


Tanevab, I forgot to add:  thank you very much!


idioglossia, I think that the recipe you tried would be a lot starchier than mine since it is not strained. The one I make is not very starchy at all depending on how well it is strained. I think cooking it would also release more of the starch from the grain. Thanks for letting us know how yours turned out.

JKL, hope you try it and like it. It is far cheaper than store bought and I think just as good. I forgot to add after you chillmake sure you shake it up a bit.


-edit-  I'm going to try and combine the above recipe with this one for hemp milk:  I don't have enough seeds to make two cups, so I might just experiment by adding 1/4-1/2 cup hempseeds to the rice milk.

;D I've never heard of hemp milk before. . .seeing this, coming from you. . .just got me giggly.  ;D  I kinda want to try it though. . .

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