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Weekly Giveaway: Green Cleaning Kit from WowGreen! animal_g is the winner! Yay!

This week we have a super fabulous summer cleaning kit from WowGreen! WowGreen is a line of organic, vegan household cleaning products that are safe, effective, and all natural. The kit includes a glass cleaner, carpet cleaner, laundry detergent, all-purpose cleaner, and stain stick. Anyone with a kid or a pet knows the value of good household cleansers. As the guardian of one extremeley messy pit bull, I know that this kit would find a good home at chez Laura. Too bad for me, I can't enter, so you must in my place! And then share with me!

All you have to do is let us know your all-time favorite picnic food for a chance to win!

Contest ends on Tuesday, September 8th at midnight, PST! Winner will be chosen at random!!

you're so bad with your eco clean house tools!

hahhaha. BADASS.

You'll have to tell us how they are! Also, I never heard anything about the other products people won. :nono:

eta: it would have been funny (on you)  if you had said "whose bad"


My Bad! :>



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