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Endangered Endangered Species Act

The Bush administration (remember them?) intends to redefine and effectively gut the Endangered Species Act.
This a link on how to respond:
Not that it will do any good.  Kiss them good--bye. :bird2: :elephant: :giraffe: :owl: :spider: :turtle:  :fish:

Not to steel the thunder asavvyidler but here is a link to the prairie dog coalition At the bottom of the page is a link to sign a petition to have the black tailed prairie dog added to the endangered species list ( I've been meaning to post about this but just haven't had time. While all endangered species are an enormous concern of mine, locally (in Colorado) the prairie dog is the biggest threat of going instinct. Anyone who agrees PLEASE sign the petition  :)


Not that it will do any good.  Kiss them good--bye. :bird2: :elephant: :giraffe: :owl: :spider: :turtle:  :fish:

Awww, don't have that attitude.  We like in a democracy.  The public comment period is there so everyone can have their voices heard on an issue.  Believe it or not all the comments are reviewed and summarized in the final report.  They are taken into account.  Send in your comment.  Write to your congressional representatives.  Let them know you are a voter and this concerns you and that if they don't take action then you will not vote for them in the upcoming election.  They do actually read the correspondence sent to them.  Afterall, you have a say in if they go back to work in January!

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