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An Inconvenient Truth.... "Sharing" it? (sort of NVR)

My husband and I bought "An Inconvenient Truth" and just watched it tonight.
We were, of course... upset, sad and mad and even sick to our stomachs. We are striving to be more green all the time... and have already implemented many of the suggestions at the end of the film. We were not surprised that the enviornmental impact of a veg diet wasn't mentioned... we discussed it after the film and DH said, "That would be too much for the steak eaters... it'll be hard enough to get most of them to change ONE of their lightbulbs over."    True enough... making it too much at once for mainstream people might be a turn-off... anyway...
regardless, we have decided everyone we know must see this movie.

Here's my question:
The DVD case says, "Donate It. Give It. Share It." (it's not right in front of me... but it's something like that) do you think that "share it" means in the form of making a copy (or 25) if needed...??

That's a good question.  Certainly making digital, e-mailable copies would save on packaging....  And Al Gore wants us to use the internet, right?


Did the DVD have the FBI warning ad that copying the DVD is a crime punishable by jail and a huge fine?  I don't remember what the exact wording of the thing is.  If they've left that off the DVD, I'd see if the film has a website and if it says anything about it.  Even though it says "Donate It. Give It. Share It", I think they intend for you to buy the copies that you give and share.  I doubt that they're in the movie business not to make money even though it's a film that seeks to save us from global warming.


Actually, they might be talking about holding "Inconvenient Truth" screenings/parties for friends and family. I got an email from the National Wildlife Foundation (I think) encouraging us to host "Inconvenient Truth" parties. If you donated $45 to NWF, they would send you a copy of the DVD and some party favors (fair trade organic coffee beans, snacks, etc).

That way, more people would see the documentary, but not everyone would have to buy one (using more resources, packaging....)



Hmmm.... well none of my family or friends live in the same country as I do so I'd have to make it a virtual viewing party...
But that's very cool for the NWF to do.

I will look for the FBI warning TinTexas... I don't know why I didn't think of that. Duh. ....Now that I think about it... I actually think I didn't see it. Will check and update though.


I have shown this to all of my contemporary health issues class since it came out on video. It always makes a big impact. We just finished it today and I can't remember if there is a warning or not ??? I don't think so but I'd check. Also someone who is making a couple of copies for friends and families is not who the warning was intended for. They are really worried about the people who are making hundreds of copies for profit.

We are gonna start a yoga movie night soon and this is the first movie we are planning to watch.


We were not surprised that the enviornmental impact of a veg diet wasn't mentioned...

Al Gore's family has a cattle farm in, the impacts of an animal product diet would an "Inconvenient Truth" for Gore...


It's available for download via Emule here in Europe already, legally or not I couldn't tell you. I was curious so I checked.


We were not surprised that the enviornmental impact of a veg diet wasn't mentioned...

Al Gore's family has a cattle farm in, the impacts of an animal product diet would an "Inconvenient Truth" for Gore...

Wow, I had no idea.  :o


I'm not sure the cattle farm is present tense... they also HAD tabacco and his sister got lung cancer and died and they got rid of it all.
So I'm not sure about the cattle raising being current...


I'm not sure the cattle farm is present tense... they also HAD tabacco and his sister got lung cancer and died and they got rid of it all.
So I'm not sure about the cattle raising being current...

According to this article, they still own it (the article was written in 2004): "They still own a place in Arlington, Virginia—a house that was built by Tipper’s grandfather—and a ninety-acre cattle farm in the Gore family seat of Carthage, Tennessee"


BTW, yes there is a NO COPYING thing on the back of the DVD case.

Hmm.... I read that article but I don't know one way or the other... Maybe this sounds stupid but "Cattle Farm" doesn't mean cattle are being farmed on it. The fact that they were at one time could warrent the name.
My grandparents raised cattle in the 60's while they were vegan. Weird, huh?
To some people I'm sure it makes NO difference and I understand and respect that but to me "raising cattle" and a factory cattle farm are two very different things. I'm eating a cow from either place mind you. ;) And now days the cattle are sold and end up in the facotry farm either way... but in pre-mcdonald's days things were different.

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