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NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)

I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment!  :)

I'm half way through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  It's really good.

I borrowed these books off my brother's fiancee a few weeks ago and just started the first one the other night.  I'm only just getting in to it but am liking it so far, especially as we've spent a bit of time in Sweden so I like reading about places we've been to : )


I am currently enjoying reading some absolute trashy chick lit books.  They are so crap and trashy and for some reason I'm loving them.  I can't even remember the author.


I am currently enjoying reading some absolute trashy chick lit books.  They are so crap and trashy and for some reason I'm loving them.  I can't even remember the author.

Ah, yes, mental popcorn! I call that sort of book "junk food for the mind." And yes, sometimes you need something like that.

Right now I am reading Felicity Kendal's book "White Cargo", a biography of herself and her father. Well really it's the story of her father's itinerant Shakespeare company that traveled all over India when she was a kid...and then it branches out into her own life as an actress, with "flash forwards" of her taking care of her father during his last days.


Finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and now reading The Girl That Played with Fire


I am currently enjoying reading some absolute trashy chick lit books.  They are so crap and trashy and for some reason I'm loving them.  I can't even remember the author.

Ah, yes, mental popcorn! I call that sort of book "junk food for the mind." And yes, sometimes you need something like that.

aaaah, I call it 'chewing gum for the mind'....but yeah it's sometimes the best thing ever!


"The Magicians" by Lev Grossman. Never read the review blurbs on a book cover to decide your choice. Sometimes I wonder if the reviewers were even reading the same book! One calls it "escapist fantasy, magical fun" while another calls it "angst-ridden and bleak". Another goes with "Very dark and very scary" while yet another says it is "dazzling, erudite and thoughtful."


Epic of Gilgamesh was mighty fine... so fine I'm keeping the epic poetry train rolling with Homer's 'The Iliad'. So far, so marvelous.


the fountainhead.  i can't wait to finish it.


The Magicians was pretty good for the first 400 pages when it was about people and power, but then it spun out of control in "book 3" when the author tried to tie all the threads into a neat, but weird, package and got lost in a D and D/WoW type scenario...which frankly doesn't go with the rest of it. And the end was a dissapointment. He wrote himself into a corner and couldn't get out of it.

If you have 400 pages of text and still have no ending, go back and edit mercilessly. You've bitten off too much to chew.


Anais Nin! Woman power!


Anais Nin! Woman power!

Way back in the early 80's, I had to live in an allwomen's dorm for a while at college. Someone got a copy of Delta of Venus and decided to read it aloud to our hallway one weekend when we were snowed in. (That was the week classes were actually cancelled!) Unfortunately for the reader, she couldn't bring herself to say "penis" out loud! Kind of turned erotica to comedy...


Anais Nin! Woman power!

Unfortunately for the reader, she couldn't bring herself to say "penis" out loud! Kind of turned erotica to comedy...

That is too funny! I love her works. House of Incest is my favorite. :) Among her erotica, Little Birds is my fav. I would be shouting the word penis to relieve the tension with humor. ha ha ha. I bet you would have enjoyed it tons if she read it in an erotic tone. You ladies really would have been kept awake!


Anais Nin! Woman power!

Unfortunately for the reader, she couldn't bring herself to say "penis" out loud! Kind of turned erotica to comedy...

That is too funny! I love her works. House of Incest is my favorite. :) Among her erotica, Little Birds is my fav. I would be shouting the word penis to relieve the tension with humor. ha ha ha. I bet you would have enjoyed it tons if she read it in an erotic tone. You ladies really would have been kept awake!

What made it funnier yet was that she was sitting on her bed and all these girls on the floor. Her face would get red as a beet and everytime she came across "the P word" she would just thump the bed with her hand. Cracked me up.


Finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and now reading The Girl That Played with Fire



Trying once again to read the Silmarillion. I did manage to soldier through it once in college but it takes some doing.


Just started Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel. Just finished Bitch.

I really wish I had read Bitch 10 years ago. It would have been a huge wake-up call and made me a better person, I think. I was really timid and unmotivated in high school, due to having no strong female role models (my mom's successful and everything, but not as feminist as I would have liked), and it really sucks looking back on it now.


Hand of Isis. Really cool take on the whole story of Cleopatra from her handmaidens p.o.v.

(I'm a sucker for anything Egypt so it caught my eye :P)


Trying once again to read the Silmarillion. I did manage to soldier through it once in college but it takes some doing.

I'm debating giving this one a try soon, seeing as I've been reading a ton of mytholgy and mythology-related stuff, as well as re-reading the Lord of The Rings trilogy (out loud, to my daughters).

Would you recommend any other Tolkein before goving this one a go?


Finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and now reading The Girl That Played with Fire


My bf just read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and I wanted to read it too but it's on his Kindle so I never get to read his new books. But it turns out my sister is reading it and she'll pass it along to me so I'll get to read it soon!

I recently read Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff, which was really really good. Crazy stuff. I couldn't put it down.
Then I read Dying Inside by Robert Silverberg. Interesting novel about a guy who can read minds but is losing the power.
Now I'm on What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell. I love his books but this one isn't as compelling to me, probably because it's a collection of New Yorker articles he wrote so they don't really fit together. I highly recommend his book Outliers though.


I'm currently reading 1984 again as well as a few new cook books I got.



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