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NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)

I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment!  :)

Currently reading Max Bygraves' autobiography, "I Wanna Tell You a Story", and at the same time (if you know what I mean) "Conseils et Souvenirs" (Advice and Memories) which is about my private obssession, St. Therese of Lisieux. It's in French so I tell myself I need to read it to practice. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


i just finished "the weight of silence". it was soo good and i couldn't put it down. i finished it in 2 days. its about 2 little 7-yr old girls (best friends) that go missing. i dont wanna say more than that otherwise i might give something away, but it's really good and i would tell everyone to read it :)


i just finished "the weight of silence". it was soo good and i couldn't put it down. i finished it in 2 days. its about 2 little 7-yr old girls (best friends) that go missing. i dont wanna say more than that otherwise i might give something away, but it's really good and i would tell everyone to read it :)

I went to add this book to my library holds, and I'm 95th in the queue?!?!?  Must be a popular book!

I'm reading Morvern Callar right now.....bizarre, but I'm liking it even though its a tough read due to the dialect.....there's a movie too which I'm pretty excited about...


Princess, it's a true story of a Saudi Arabian princess


Erin, I've never read Morven Callar, but I had a similar experience with "Once Were Warriors". I had to read the first chapter aloud to myself until I got used to the dialect.


Erin, I've never read that, but I had a similar experience with "Once Were Warriors". I had to read the first chapter aloud to myself until I got used to the dialect.

Yeah, I'm getting used to it now - now that I'm 100 pages into it - it's a Scottish book and transitional words are often left out and words have different meanings.....I feel like I'm learning something though


I'm really into the occult right now & every thing 2012. I almost finished "2012-The Return of Quetzalcoatl" by Daniel Pinchbeck. Very psychedelic! The author spends most of the book high on LSD, Psilocybin mushrooms, Peyote & Iboga! And yet he writes clearly & with great conviction. BUT! The book is mostly autobiographical with a few visions of giant insects with messages for the future! It is definitely not what I expected but I can't put it down.

The book before this one is "2013:The End of Days or a New Beginning:Envisioning the World After the Events of 2012" by Marie Jones. I found this book to be a much better read. Why? Probably because she isn't basing her theories on drug induced visions. And she actually covers the possible events of 2012, something Pinchbeck rarely discusses.

Anyways, the whole thing fascinates me & I look forward to Dec. 21, 2012 @11:11


"La Regenta" (The Regent's Wife) by Leopoldo Alas (aka Clarin). One of my last year's students brought it to me as a thank-you for finishing his degree course. It's about 6 inches thick so it should keep me occupied for a bit.

Still trying with Tristram Shandy. Not getting very far. Either people were easily amused in the 18th century or it's just not very funny.


I didn't get a chance to go to the library this weekend, so I grabbed some books from my grandma's when we were cleaning out her old apartment. 
I picked up Hellfire by John Saul to start reading this morning.  I have no idea what its about, but it looked less like a romance novel and more like a scary book....and my grammy must have liked it.......


I just read The Hunger Games in under fourteen hours, including the eight hours or so when I made myself go to bed... though I was up for a while thinking about it! Seriously addictive. I had to put the thing down to go to class and felt like I would pine away before I ever saw it again. XD


I'm on a Shirley Jackson kick at the moment. Just finished 'The Haunting of Hill House' and I'm now reading 'We Have Always Lived In The Castle'.

Good stuff.

Oh man, I loved "We Have Always Lived in the Castle." If you like SJ you might enjoy Charlotte Armstrong. Start with "The Chocolate Cobweb."

So noted! I'll try and find some of her stuff after I finish 'My Work Is Not Yet Done' by Thomas Ligotti. Now, here folks, is the Lovecraftian "real deal". It reads like Cthulu meets Patrick Bateman... corporate horror. Odd, but fun.


Hi, y'all! I've been away from vegweb for a long time but some of you will remember me, I hope.  I've got a Kindle, which I love.  I'm currently reading as the whim strikes me, The Moor by Laurie R. King (one of her Mary Russell, wife of Sherlock Holmes mysteries), The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan (about the '30s dustbowl and the people who stayed put and didn't follow the Joads to CA), The Treasure of La Malinche Vol. 1 by Jeffrey S. Hepple (sort of about Cortes' mistress, Princess Malintzin Tenepal, and the hunt for Montezuma's lost treasure) and The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama.   I just finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett and the book club I go to will be discussing it on Thursday.  It is so wonderful to have 67 (currently) books with me and the Kindle takes up less space in my tote bag than 1 paperback would.  

P.S. a lot of the 67 books are ones I got from Project Guttenberg (sp?).  You can read any book that's in a text not *.pdf format. 


Hey TT, good to see you.  I still remember you (although I don't think I was posting regularly when you were, so you may not remember me!).  How are you doing?

I finished reading The World According to Garp a couple of weeks ago, and I loved it.  Definitely need to read more of Irving.

I am now reading the Pull of the Moon (which was mentioned in another thread, but can't remember by whom).  I am getting through it very quickly, but again I'm loving it.


Hey TT, good to see you.  I still remember you (although I don't think I was posting regularly when you were, so you may not remember me!).  How are you doing?

I finished reading The World According to Garp a couple of weeks ago, and I loved it.  Definitely need to read more of Irving.

I am now reading the Pull of the Moon (which was mentioned in another thread, but can't remember by whom).  I am getting through it very quickly, but again I'm loving it.

I'm doing OK no major complaints.  I think I do remember you.  (I had go back and correct the grammar; I've been hanging out with the lolcats too much.)

I had to look up John Irving's bibliography to see if I'd reading anything by him.  I haven't but I've seen a couple of movies based on his books.  I'm going to finish the books I'm reading now except for what I have to read for the book club before I indulge in anything else.   ;)


The New Detox Diet by Elson M Haas, MD


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind.

I never thought I was into fantasy, but I recently let out my inner nerd!  ;)


I'm attempting 'The Faerie Queen' by Edmund Spenser... so far, so good!


I'm attempting 'The Faerie Queen' by Edmund Spenser... so far, so good!

Genuflexions. I haven't managed to read all of it yet. Basically cuz I can't get my mitts on the full text and I don't read stuff like that online.

A student lent me some Eng novels today: Tampa Burn (?), Gemstone (?) and a nonfiction book called Don't Waste Your Life. Never heard of any of them.


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn



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