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NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)

I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment!  :)

I just started The Omnivore;s Dilemma also.

have you had your first conversation about 'corn sex' yet?  Somehow the topic has come up for me at least twice in the last week.  ::)


right now i'm almost done with "The Almost Moon" it started out really slow and a little annoying but it is getting really good now and i almost can't put it down. Next on my list is "The Thirteenth Tale"


I'm reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle right now, but I'm only like 2 chapters into the book so far. I know there's a thread devoted to this book, so once I get a little further, I think I'll go bump that thread.


I just started The Omnivore;s Dilemma also.

have you had your first conversation about 'corn sex' yet?  Somehow the topic has come up for me at least twice in the last week.  ::)

Haha.  Actually, I read that part Saturday afternoon.  I went to a friend's house that evening for football...sat down on the couch and said, "hey, you guys wanna hear about corn sex?"  (scarily enough, they were curious  :o)


Yesterday I finished reading Letters from the Underground.  Very entertaining and beautiful collection of letters.  Just reading how two people who love one another are forced to live apart due to unjust circumstances and still communicate that love through a series of letters gave me some optimism about this world that there really are beautiful things happening everyday.  It also motivated me to start getting involved in some kind of activism.  Something just needs to piss me off....

So, yea, now I'm looking for something else to read.  I'm still plowing through Infinite Jest because it's a monster of a very good book, but I always like to read something shorter also so there's a sense of accomplishment when I read.  I have narrowed the list to, Everything and More(not sure if two David Foster Wallace books at once is a wise choice), Walden, Notes from the Underground, Steal This Book, Awkward, or something by Nietzshe....difficult decision....... :-\


Right now I'm reading collapse by jared diamond.  Its okay, its like an analysis of past societies that faced major problems because of their ecological mistakes.

Usually I like to read a lot of cheesy high fantasy  ::)  I almost made it through the whole sword of truth series before starting this book, but after a while they became such a chore! My 'favourite' would probably be the xanth series by piers anthony (whos a veg*n and a big influence on me) even though even though really I havent liked them since I was younger.  I have a fansite for the xanth series and a game site based on the harry potter books <3


Xenocide by Orson Scott Card, for the second time. Mmm, philosophical-spiritual sci-fi.

The Voluptuous Vegan by Myra Kornfeld... the title made me buy it, 'cause it describes me!  ;D ;D ;D


I know some of you have read The Omnivore's Dilemma; how about Freakonomics?  I'm only a couple of dozen pages in, but it's fascinating.

Oh Yeah!  LOVED it!  It IS very fascinating! 


Has anyone read The World Without Us? I was thinking about buying it for my brother for Christmas and was wondering if it's any good.


Hoy! Since this thread is now being carried in the Popular Threads, why don't I go ahead and use it again?  8)

I'm currently juggling LOTR - The Return Of The King and Orson Scott Card's Homecoming series, book two - The Call Of Earth.


Has anyone read The World Without Us? I was thinking about buying it for my brother for Christmas and was wondering if it's any good.

im reading it a little bit now (ive got several going)...and its very interesting, scary...i think everyone should read it.

im also reading *Twinkies: deconstructed* which is really really interesting!!


Last week I reread The Golden Compass (one of my favorite books in middle school), and I am entirely set to be let down by the movie, but it was enjoyable to reread the book.  Now I just started reading a book called Winter's Tale.  Thus far it is pretty good.


Has anyone read The World Without Us? I was thinking about buying it for my brother for Christmas and was wondering if it's any good.

One class at my college is reading it, so I found it at our campus bookstore. I was telling a friend about it on the bus and a woman I didn't know turned around and yelled across the bus "YES, READ IT, IT'S AMAZING!!" I guess I should read it now.


I'm almost finished with A tree grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.  I have really enjoyed it and would definitely recommended it.  It was written in the 1940s and is about a poor family in Brooklyn.


Monster Nation by David Wellington, having just finished Monster Island.  They are basically apocalyptic zombie trash!  What can I say, I have a thing for zombies.


Just finished "The Amulet of Samarkand" (dont bother~its nothing like HP) and I am now reading "Laches."  ;) 


I'm almost finished with A tree grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.  I have really enjoyed it and would definitely recommended it.  It was written in the 1940s and is about a poor family in Brooklyn.

That is one of my favorite books ever! I read it in high school. It's just such an enjoyable read and I love "coming of age" types of books  ::)

Has anyone read The World Without Us? I was thinking about buying it for my brother for Christmas and was wondering if it's any good.

One class at my college is reading it, so I found it at our campus bookstore. I was telling a friend about it on the bus and a woman I didn't know turned around and yelled across the bus "YES, READ IT, IT'S AMAZING!!" I guess I should read it now.

. I'm glad you're liking it!

I might just have to add it to my Christmas list, then. I already bought a sweater and Slaughterhouse 5 for my brother, so he'll just have to borrow it  ;D


I'm almost finished with A tree grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.  I have really enjoyed it and would definitely recommended it.  It was written in the 1940s and is about a poor family in Brooklyn.

That is one of my favorite books ever! I read it in high school. It's just such an enjoyable read and I love "coming of age" types of books  ::)

Me too, I also loved the Diary of Anne Frank for that reason!


So.  I'm broke.  I made a shopping list and stuck with it.  Why?  Cause I'm broke.  ...And then I walk past the books at my health food store.  ::)

I picked up John Robbins' Diet for a New America and The Food Revolution.  I haven't read anything by him, but he's been recommended on a lot of different threads.  I'm going to start with Diet for a New America.


Right now:
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami (LOVE it)

I love Haruki Murakami!  Have you read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle?  That's my fave so far.

I was flipping through this thread and saw you mention this author. Last night I began After Dark... oddly gripping, kind of real and surreal. I'm leaving the next session for tonight... going by the title and the story, it seems to want to be read after dark.  ::)  ;D  (I'd never heard of Haruki Murakami before; I picked up the book at random from the 'recent returns' shelf.)



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