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Students encouraged to get fit - through Pole Dancing!!

hilarious- who ok'd this idea??  the students were 14--19!  You GOTTA watch the video next to the article!,22606,24983243-912,00.html?from=public_rss

I so.  badly.  want to do that.


i watched the video linked on the yahoo homepage that was a newscast that showed the dance as the anchors were talking over it and at the very end shes horizontal, face down, legs straight out and the pole right up there against her.. lady parts. and she was gyrating like she was humping it.  i seriously covered my mouth out of shock when i saw it, cus up til that point it was kinda like just an acrobatic thing - not super sexual.  i know that the videos are ll from different kids phones so maybe the one on the page i linked to didnt have the straddling/gyrating portion. 


yeah i just watched the video on the page above - it has the entire dance.  the part im thinking of is towards the very very end, and it honestly looked worse on the other video because they cut it off at that point which made it look like she was humping it, rather than just getting into the next position.

either way.. i probably wouldnt be too thrilled if my 14 yr old came home from school and said thats what she saw that day..


Oh man, that was really elegant.  It wasn't suggestive at all.  Like ballet on a pole.


Oh man, that was really elegant.  It wasn't suggestive at all.  Like ballet on a pole.

That ^. I think that's amazing. I actually didn't see anything suggestive (gyrating, really?). It was definitely very tasteful. I mean, hopefully she's not using it to get guys in bed, but :whatever:. Those are some skills.


Dudee, her legs, are beastly strong.
I want a pole  :( I dont think that would go over well with the mother


either way.. i probably wouldn't be too thrilled if my 14 yr old came home from school and said thats what she saw that day..

My parents were watching christmas videos from when I was 14 and on video, I said I wanted to be a pole dancer and thanked my mom for the platform heels (that I was opening).   ::)

wow - i can totally not imagine that!  it may have not been super sexual but with so many other ways to encourage exercise i can't imagine why theyd choose pole dancing to show to kids of that age.  especially since pole dancing really isnt the most easily accessible form or exercise.. im pretty sure i can do pilates anywhere in my house.. pole dancing - not so much.


My university is offering belly dancing next month to encourage women to love their bodies. Just thought I'd share.

On the subject, that woman is a beast! I wish my muscles were that strong. Man....I'm impressed.


My university is offering belly dancing next month to encourage women to love their bodies. Just thought I'd share.

I took belly dancing for gym credits.  It was really fun.  Like, we learned awesome stuff.


I wish my school had those kind of classes!  I'm so upset!  haha.


hopefully will wake up parents to their childrens' eating & weight problems ... !

~ fr


I love pole dancing! I did a couple of lessons a while back and MAN is it a workout, your upper back and shoulders are so sore the next feels awesome and is completely not sexual in that context, just a bit of fun. My parents thought it was hilarious that I was taking lessons, but I was over 18, so I can kinda see where parents of 14 year olds are coming from...the overwhelming perception is that pole dancing = stripping = lap dancing = prostitution. With those ideas in your head it'd be weird not to be shocked that your 14 year old was being exposed to it. But I agree with what she said in the article - people need to be exposed to pole dancing as a sport/dance/art rather than something sexual. Most strippers in clubs don't do anywhere NEAR that kind of athletic routine. Very different focus.


This thread inspired me to go look into pole dancing classes again...but I found out the dance school doesn't run them anymore!  :'(

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