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What DVD are you watching lately?

I have BBC's Persuasion on, but I can't really get into. I've heard thought that BBC's Sense & Sensibility is good. Of course I"ve watched the Ang Lee Emma Thompson version which is superb... I may get it this week to see  :P

Just watched "The United States of Tara" season 1 on DVD. Loved it.  It's sad that I'll probably have to wait until December for season 2 to come out.  DH won't let me subscribe to Showtime.  Sometimes he's such a meany!


season two of Arrested Development, quite probably the funniest tv show of the last decade. haha.


Just watched "The United States of Tara" season 1 on DVD. Loved it.  It's sad that I'll probably have to wait until December for season 2 to come out.  DH won't let me subscribe to Showtime.  Sometimes he's such a meany!

I know!  We just watched it and I love it!  We fall in love with all of those shows and always have to wait forever for the next season to come out.

And oww, Arrested Development is the funniest show ever made!  We watch it constantly and never get tired of it.  We have all of the seasons.


For the first time in my life, I watched The Godfather. The first one. I remember it came out when I was like 10, and was such a scandal because it was considered so very violent. (Where were they when Peckinpah made The Wild Bunch)? It's funny how it worked out because I was just thinking about it because of references to it in other films, and wondering if it would be considered violent today, or if "violent in 1972" would be pretty tame by today's standards (which  it was, actually, unless this was the edited-for-TV cut). That night they showed it on one of the English free satellite channels (what a coinkidink!) and we recorded it. I may actually buy the DVD, although Spanish distributors often just give you the movie plus subtitles, and don't give you any extras. Boooo. But the sound was so mushy that DH needed subtitles and there weren't any except where they were speaking Italian.

Al Pacino.  :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> Definitely number 1 on "the list" for me.


I just watched Soylent Green over the weekend. I am going to try and work through some of Colleen Patrick Goudreau's list of I think is Umberto D.


I watched "Like Water for Chocolate" last night. It's pretty good--it's kind of old, 1992.


Gave up trying to watch The Godfather Part 2. A film lives or dies on the cutting table. This one didn't survive; there was too much left in. TV miniseries, great. Film, too long, too confusing, to many characters, too many flashbacks and forwards. Waaaay too slow in the middle. Severely suffering from softening of the plot arteries. George Lucas cut the first one. He didn't cut the second. It shows. Boy, does it show.

I watched "Like Water for Chocolate" last night. It's pretty good--it's kind of old, 1992.

It's actually better than the book, at least in terms of the end. The end of the book was just....meh.


I've been watching Grease every day for like...a week -laughs-


I watched "Like Water for Chocolate" last night. It's pretty good--it's kind of old, 1992.

It's actually better than the book, at least in terms of the end. The end of the book was just....meh.

I thought the end was...a little strange. As was the haunting from the dead mother...whoa! That was creepy!

I also watched Umberto D this weekend. GREAT movie, animal-centric. I highly recommend it. Flike looks a lot like my dog (or my dog looks like Flike), and I held Oliver close while watching this movie. I enjoyed that the connection between humans and animals was held in such high regard, and it's also interesting to note that this transcends both time and language. 

I watched Eyes Without a Face, and it was...a little noneventful. There is supposed to be an animal parallel, basically showing that if you treat animals in a poor manner, you will receive consequences for those actions--but this wasn't a main point. Has anyone else watched this? I'm still trying to sort it all out and what everything meant.

Finally saw No Country for Old Men, and as always I love the Coen brothers and their vision for how a movie should flow. However, I'm not really getting the ending, or the final point in general. I think reading the book might help a bit here.


Yesterday DH and I watched "Moon" which was directed by Duncan Jones, who is David Bowie's son.  He used to be known as Zowie Bowie but wisely decided to use his "real" name professionally.  It's a great movie.  There's been a lot of movies that we've seen lately that have had corporate greed as a central issue.  I don't know if it's just the movies that I choose or if there's a trend towards exploring that issue. 

District 9 got  nominated for an Oscar for best picture!  It won't win unless something strange happens in the universe.  :-D  But maybe more people will see it.


Last night we watched Idiocracy, and while the premise for the movie is somewhat comical, the actual idea is funnier than the movie. I might've giggled a couple of times, but it was kind of sad, more than anything. The not-so-bright future sometimes seems like it's already here, in podunk, Indiana.


Last night we watched Idiocracy, and while the premise for the movie is somewhat comical, the actual idea is funnier than the movie. I might've giggled a couple of times, but it was kind of sad, more than anything. The not-so-bright future sometimes seems like it's already here, in podunk, Indiana.

That movie is AWFUL!
I love Luke Wilson, but come on!


Last night I watched Amelie, and I LOVED it! I felt like I was in a dream the whole time, being swept from idea to idea. She was such a likable character, and I could sympathize with her on many levels. Also, the guy with the big nose (I can't remember his name! With the picture book) looks like my roommate in college, so I liked him immediately!


Last night we watched Idiocracy, and while the premise for the movie is somewhat comical, the actual idea is funnier than the movie. I might've giggled a couple of times, but it was kind of sad, more than anything. The not-so-bright future sometimes seems like it's already here, in podunk, Indiana.

That movie is AWFUL!
I love Luke Wilson, but come on!

Whoops, you misspelled AWESOME! That has to be the case, right? ;) I can sympathize with the "little sad" vibe, though.


Last night I watched Amelie, and I LOVED it! I felt like I was in a dream the whole time, being swept from idea to idea. She was such a likable character, and I could sympathize with her on many levels. Also, the guy with the big nose (I can't remember his name! With the picture book) looks like my roommate in college, so I liked him immediately!

Matthieu Kassowitz. Yumbles.

I love Amelie and watch it about 4 times a year. If you can listen to the director's commentary do so. He had to wait 10 yrs to make that film his own way; Sony (I think) originally offered to finance it but wanted him to change so much he said no and waited till he could do it his way. Well worth the wait.


sunday I watched the original Diablique, and monday night I watched Up in the air.  Both, very good.


Last night we watched Idiocracy, and while the premise for the movie is somewhat comical, the actual idea is funnier than the movie. I might've giggled a couple of times, but it was kind of sad, more than anything. The not-so-bright future sometimes seems like it's already here, in podunk, Indiana.

That movie is AWFUL!
I love Luke Wilson, but come on!

Whoops, you misspelled AWESOME! That has to be the case, right? ;) I can sympathize with the "little sad" vibe, though.

haha.  I'm pretty much not in to movies but we watched this a few years ago, and went more with awesome than awful.  Or at least, amusing : )


Last night I watched Amelie, and I LOVED it! I felt like I was in a dream the whole time, being swept from idea to idea. She was such a likable character, and I could sympathize with her on many levels. Also, the guy with the big nose (I can't remember his name! With the picture book) looks like my roommate in college, so I liked him immediately!

Matthieu Kassowitz. Yumbles.

I love Amelie and watch it about 4 times a year. If you can listen to the director's commentary do so. He had to wait 10 yrs to make that film his own way; Sony (I think) originally offered to finance it but wanted him to change so much he said no and waited till he could do it his way. Well worth the wait.

That sounds really interesting. It does seem like the kind of movie that a studio would try to change to make more mainstream. And that's what's fabulous about it--it's not.


Anime nerds - to me!

So I just got done watching Gonkutsuo... an anime adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo. On one hand it took a lot of questionable liberties witht he story... on the other hand, it was a blast to see what they would do next. Anyone else caught this one? What do you think?


I watched Food Inc. last night.  Very scary!!



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