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you're hot, so win a trip to hawaii!

  Another casual day of surfing the web, looking for new recipes, and new vegan sites when I stumbled upon something really scary...  "Are you the hottest vegetarian? Do temperatures sore when you are around, do people stare at your hottness, do you make others feel bad about themselves because you're so physicaly perfect.  Well now you have the chance to capitalize off your good looks, just like all those famous people you admire."  Well, that wasn't exactly the words, but it's a very accurate interpretation ;).
  My point is, this web site was making the lifestyle of veganism/vegetarianism to look so mainstream, and pop-culturized, that it looked like something right out of seventeen.  The reason I am so disturbed by this is because I feel as though many of us have chosen this lifestyle in order to buck the sad and cosmetic ways of the mainstream, and here they are, goveg, encouraging vanity, popularity, and glossing there virtual pages with iconic celebrity images. 
  Why hog up such a great domain name with this stuff?  Why not just publish in vogue, they may get a better reaction to there "who's hot and who's not in Veg World."

I just wanted to say to everyone, thanks for keeping it real at vegweb -- and i'm apologizing for my poor grammar above, I was a little wrapped up in the heat of expression.


Very Understandable! ;), I usually never proof read,spell check etc. and then re-read my posts and go  :P! (I type much slower then my brain works)!
Your point was well put!


Not dismissing your point, but about the mainstream thing. . .that should be our goal. Most of us are not here to be elitists, we're not veg*n to be better or different, but to make things better and different. If veg*nism became mainstream and normal, we will have succeeded, there would be less suffering in our world. I do not agree with the means, but the ends are great. ;)


I did acknowledge that point in my head, although I didn't express it in my post, I agree that veganism should be mainstream, and I would love for all to share the wonderful joys of meatlessness, however, commercialized veganism is not the kind of change I am hoping for.  When I think of someone welcoming a vegan lifestyle, I think of it just as that, a lifestyle.  And, yes, we all have many reasons for choosing to do things we do, but, choosing to be vegan usually requires an educated and conscious rationale which in turn attributes to a greater awareness and understanding of one's own health, and political/social views, or at least relating to why one has become vegan. 
  However, I do not want to be a part of a commercialized vegan revolution where overly-processed fake meat products are being reviewed by Justin timberlake for having 50% less fat than "the real thing."  I don't want to support silicon-injected women stretched out on tables spooning down soy-protein smoothies as there only meal for the day -- but no animals were harmed in the making of it.
  I want to support a more holistic change, one that doesn't require over-processed, well everything... 


Yes a veggie burger patty is an improvement than a double cheeseburger, however, the soy industry is a pretty dirty business as well, with 85% of the crops genetically modified, and still using lots of harmful chemicals to dust their crops, I wonder sometimes, if we've substituted one demon with another.  But it's true, if everyone stopped eating meat, there would be a better usage of land, cleaner ground water, and less green house gases being emitted by animal waste.  Plus a load of other improvements.  I was just kind of put of by the whole plastic-like presentation, of something that I view more "sacred" than a bunch of cheesing celebrities with a list of "Kraft" foods that are VEGAN TOO!


...and, in the case of Kraft, shilling for cigarette concerns.


I have seen Pita's fur and animal rights campaigns involving naked/objectified women, and I must say, i applaud them.  I am a women, and I would rather be oggled and objectified a thousand times over if it meant this world became a little more friendly to animals. 


well, P-E-T-A, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is not promoting ethical treatment of women.  Thanks for your post.


well, P-E-T-A, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is not promoting ethical treatment of women.  Thanks for your post.


We don't support the abuse of a pet simply because the pet has been trained to come to his abusive owner, but women who have been trained by their society to be used and whatever else you want to call it, are alledgedly intelligent enough to "make that decision". My apologies, I could go far with this, but anyhow, well said nubbyknowhow

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