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Member since December 2007


What you need: 

1 cup brown rice
1 super large or 2 medium sweet onions, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons salt, or to taste
1 cup red lentils
steamed spinach or kale, to serve

What you do: 

1. Add 1 cup of rice to 2 cups water. Bring to boil. Lower heat, cover and simmer 45 minutes. Add onion into pan with cumin and salt. Saute in olive oil until almost carmelized, about 10-15 minutes.
2. Add red lentils and 2 cups water to the onions. Bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer, stirring occasionally until lentils are cooked and very smooshy. When stirred towards the end, they should be smooth.
3. Steam spinach or kale. (Sometimes I'm feeling lazy and just microwave a 10 ounce package of frozen spinach; works great!)
4. Serve lentil mixture over rice and top with greens.

Preparation Time: 
45 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 



Great recipe! It really came out wonderful and everyone loved it. Very easy too, although a bit time consuming. But then lentils always are..


Yumyumyum. I wasn't expecting so much flavor! I had to do some modifications (probably taking away some authenticity..), but it still turned out wonderfully. I used the last of my white onion last night, so I added a bunch of green onions to the lentil mix after it was done cooking. I cooked my brown rice in homemade broth, and added some broth, s, and p to the kale. It's really great!  ;)b


This was fantastic. I was looking for a way to use up some lentils since my soups failed so horribly, and this was easy and delicious. I added some salad dressing leftover from a middle eastern restaurant (fatoosh salad?) and it was heavenly. I can't wait to make it for my spinach-loving mom!


this was pretty good. it was pretty quick and simple. i might have had too many onions however, because i needed a little more water to get the lentils mushy enough (at least for my taste). also, instead of steaming greens i sauteed kale with some fresh minced garlic and that tasted really good with the lentils. i like this just because i can easily take it to school with me instead of having to waste money on mediocre food. yay!


I just made this for dinner, and it was really good. I added a lot more cumin and it did end up needing a bit more salt at the end (though I don't usually measure, and thought I'd put in enough. I didn't want to overdo it, as my son poured table salt in with my Kosher salt, and I was unsure how that was going to work since they do have different flavors  :-\  ).

I also had some chopped frozen collard greens I steamed instead of spinach (I think most mild greens would work for this swiss chard/beet greens would probably even be amazing), and those were very good as well.

My nearly 5yr old son devoured it, but then he loves most any lentil dish. 



This yummy concoction is also sometimes called mjeddrah and it's supposed to be the dish that the Biblical guy Esau sold his birthright for. It's one of my son's favorites. I do one thing differently. Instead of steamed greens, I make a big green salad with Romaine, cucumbers, avocados, tomatoes, shredded carrots, green peppers and dress it with a vinaigrette and then spoon it on top of the individual servings of the rice-lentil mixture. It's really good that way too.


This really is a good recipe. Be sure to start with lots of onions as they cook down quite a bit, and thoroughly carmelize them.  The onions make this recipe.



Red lentils cook much faster than the other varieties and don't hold their shape as well.
They're also milder in taste -- almost a blank slate for creative spicing.

: )


I don't know why, but I was very unsure of this recipe.  It tasted great in the end.  I had a hard time getting my lentils to soften.  The store only had bags labelled 'Lentils'; are res lentils different?  I pretty much cooked mine for 45 minutes plus and they still didn't get smooth, but it still was very tasty.  My omni-husband took a half-hearted bite and said he didn't want any, but both my 1 year old daughter and I loved it.  I will definitely make it again!  If anyone can solve my lentil problem, I would greatly appeciate it! ;)


This recipe came out great.  I had a few friends over so I doubled the recipe.  Everyone loved it.  I was afraid it was going to be bland but it was surprisingly flavorful.  My husband was excited that there were leftovers because he liked it so much.  I steamed Kale and Purple Cabbage.  It was very colorful and appetizing.  I highly recommended it.  Oh, and my 9.5 month old son really liked it too.  I did have to add more salt but I used Liquid Bragg Amino which turned out wonderfully. 



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