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Member since April 2003

Gingerly Ensalada (Salad)

What you need: 

big bunch mesclun greens or romaine lettuce
1 Cucumber (peeled if you like - I stripe mine)
1 large carrot (chopped or shredded)
1 - 12 oz container baby Bella mushrooms (or actual Portobello - sliced)
1 - 16 oz can garbanzo beans
1/2 red onion (chopped)
2-4 garlic cloves (peeled and chopped)
2 small green chilies (chopped) - optional
1 teaspoon cumin
1 inch long, thin slice ginger (sliced really thin)
olive oil
vegan vinaigrette dressing (or make your own)

What you do: 

1. Wash the greens and combine in a great big bowl (preferably with a lid/top) with cucumber, carrots, and mushrooms. Cover and put bowl in refrigerator. Put chopped tomatoes in small container, cover and place in refrigerator.
2. Heat oil in medium pan over medium heat and add cumin. After a minute or two, add onion, garlic, chilies, and ginger. Saute for 5 minutes.
3. Add garbanzos and saute for 5-10 minutes - until soft.
4. Allow to cool to room temperature, cover and place in refrigerator. (You could use it on warm if desired.)
5. After at least and hour, all items in small containers should be added to the big bowl.
6. Spoon into serving bowl with dressing and enjoy.

Preparation Time: 
10-20 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


I agree with sharway, tomatoes should be eaten at room temperature to bring out the flavour.  Good recipe, going to try this one!

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