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Member since July 2008

Quinoa for Breakfast!

What you need: 

1 cup organic non-dairy milk or water (I use soymilk)
1/2 organic quinoa, rinsed
1 tablespoon organic cinnamon
1 banana, sliced
2 tablespoons organic coconut flakes
2 tablespoons organic raw sunflower seeds
2 teaspoons organic agave nectar
any other organic fruits, nuts, and seeds (optional)

What you do: 

1. Bring 1 cup of organic soy milk OR water to a boil in a pot. Add quinoa. After 5 minutes, add cinnamon.
2. Once the water or organic soy milk is all absorbed, scoop equal amounts into two bowls.
3. Equally divide banana slices, coconut flakes, and sunflower seeds and add to the bowls.
4. Drizzle agave nectar in each bowl. Add any other toppings you desire. Enjoy.
Source of recipe: I was just thinking of things I like on my oatmeal and decided to try it on quinoa!

Preparation Time: 
5 minutes, Cooking time: 20-ish minutes
Cooking Time: 
20-ish minutes
Recipe Category: 


LOL.  I honestly thought I invented quinoa and bananas for breakfast.  It really makes a great start for the day.  I also do the red quinoa with either sweet potato or butternut squash.


Hey, thanks for sharing this. Never thought of Quinoa for breakfast, but its certainly good! It was very hearty and full of flavor. OH and I used maple syrup instead of the agave, which I think is a great alternative!

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