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Member since November 2006

Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

What you need: 

1 cup cold vegan buttery spread
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup applesauce
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 bag vegan chocolate chips (about 6 ounces)

What you do: 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Stir the vegan buttery spread around in a medium sized mixing bowl to soften it up. Add the 1 cup sugar, and stir the two ingredients together very well. It will look creamy.
Add the brown sugar, stir together again. Add the applesauce and vanilla, and (you guessed it!) stir together once more.
Now add all the dry ingredients, excluding the chocolate chips, at once and mix together quickly. Try not to over-mix. If the dough is too soft, add a bit more flour (around 1/4 cup). Mix in the chocolate chips and plop tablespoons of dough onto an ungreased baking sheet. You can flatten the dough balls slightly. Make sure to space each cookie at least an inch apart, because these actually spread when baking!
Bake for 9-11 minutes at 375. Let cool slightly on the baking sheet, and then remove and let cool completely on wax paper.
Notes: If you bake these at 375 for about 9 minutes, they turn out soft and chewy. They won't really look all that done, and if you touch the top of one it should yield slightly. If you bake these at 350 for 11 minutes, they'll turn out more chewy and have a "crispy-ier" outside. They'll be a bit brown around the edges when they're done.
Of course, I'm the only one who can really tell the difference between the two baking it may just be all in my head! In any case these are the ONLY vegan chocolate chip cookies I serve to omnis--they taste much more sinful than other recipes. (Could it be the 1 cup vegan buttery spread?!)

Preparation Time: 
10 min
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


i made these today and they are fantastic.  since it is winter and i had some extra pumpkin, i used pumpkin puree instead of the applesauce.  it gives them a more brown/ orange/ pumpkin color, but fortunately or unfortunately i can't really taste the pumpkin.  i like my cookies gooey, so i didn't cook them very long (maybe 7 minutes), but they probably could have stayed in longer.  with the darker pumpkin color, i thought they were browning more than maybe they were.  i don't mind one bit that they're nice and squishy though.


I just tried these cookies...OMG!!! soo good... ;)b


ive made these cookies 3times in 7 days! total hit with the whole fam (omni) tomorrow will be the fourth time and this time its for little cousin (omni) who is 15 made these by himself and was very proud becuz they were so good...I LOVE THESE COOKIES!!!! so soft and chewy :D


When you say "stir the vegan spread and the sugar in a medium bowl" do you mean a pan, on the stove? I am making this and I'm mixing cold vegan butter and sugar in a bowl and it is not becoming "creamy". Since the butter is hard and cold, it is hard to mix and is clumpy.

In a bowl is correct. Usually you have to either use a mixer if your "butter" is cold or just wait for it to soften at room temp for a little.

Oh, thank you! I was confused because the recipe called for "cold" soy butter. So, I thought it had to be cold when being prepared, not melted. That's why I took it wrong. I got it to work though, and it came out very yummy! Thanks

Shannon LeeLufa :snail:


These are very yummy!!!  ;)b

Shannon LeeLufa :snail:


When you say "stir the vegan spread and the sugar in a medium bowl" do you mean a pan, on the stove? I am making this and I'm mixing cold vegan butter and sugar in a bowl and it is not becoming "creamy". Since the butter is hard and cold, it is hard to mix and is clumpy.

In a bowl is correct. Usually you have to either use a mixer if your "butter" is cold or just wait for it to soften at room temp for a little.


When you say "stir the vegan spread and the sugar in a medium bowl" do you mean a pan, on the stove? I am making this and I'm mixing cold vegan butter and sugar in a bowl and it is not becoming "creamy". Since the butter is hard and cold, it is hard to mix and is clumpy.


Great cookies. Of course I couldn't leave the recipe alone. I subbed coconut oil for the 'butter', made my own 'chocolate' from cacao, and added extra applesauce when the batter looked too dry. Yes, I added liquid at the very end; a major cookie no-no. And yet they still came out fabulously. So delicious, in fact, that they were in real danger of being devoured before I could give them to my friends.

I look forward to making these cookies again. It's a very forgiving recipe. They're crispy on the outside and chewy in the middle. In a word, perfect.  :)>>>


I just wanted to add too that whenever I take these cookies to a shindig everyone totally thinks these are store-bought-- they're that good  ;)b


These always turn out the best and don't last very long in the house!
Yay AK for an awesome recipe  ;)b



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