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Member since May 2010

Yummiest Seitan Ever!

What you need: 

1 cup vital wheat gluten
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon thyme
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon oil
1/2 cup water or vegetable stock

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Mix gluten, nutritional yeast, and thyme together in a bowl.
2. In a separate bowl, mix water or vegetable stock, soy sauce, and oil. I prefer to use water since the vegetable stock makes the gluten too salty for my taste.
3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients evenly, and stir together making the ball of gluten. Knead for a few minutes. Dab any excess moisture from the gluten with a paper towel if you want to.
4. Form the gluten into a cylindrical shape. Press down and with a sharp knife, cut the gluten into thin strips. Oil a cookie sheet, and place the strips on the cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, then flip them over and bake for an additional 3-5 minutes.
Enjoy your yummy seitan strips! You can eat them with ketchup, barbecue sauce, or any other vegan condiment if you like. I prefer to eat mine with ketchup.
Source of recipe: I tried some of the seitan recipes found on this website, but wasn't satisfied. So I combined a few, and this is what I came up with.

Preparation Time: 
20 minutes, Cooking time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 
15 minutes
Recipe Category: 


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Great stuff! I made a doulbe recipe and used 3/4 of the total for a veggie chili and 1/4 to just munch on. Very tasty. I used some additional spices as well. Paprika and a bit of garlic powder. I also cooked it a few minutes longer. Best seitan I've made and I've tried a few recipes. Thanks.


I made this, It hit really no taste notes. But in a GREAT WAY. This is super super easy and open to any customizing. I use this easy recipe as my staple and do what I want as far as flavor profile. Mexican, smokey BBQ, Asian, adding whatever mushrooms, lentils garlic curry. It's endless what you can do with this without steaming boiling or the low simmer. LUV THIS ONE!!!!


This really was ridiculously easy! I can see it as a great base recipe with room for experimentation.


After giving up on finding seitan in the stores I decided to make my own. This was ridiculously easy and incredibly tasty! I used vegetable broth, and per other posters suggestions, I substituted liquid aminos for soy sauce. It was indeed yummy and required no ketchup or BBQ sauce.


This recipe was so easy my 13 yr old made it. It was very good! She added liquid smoke and used braggs aminos instead of soy. Perfect!


I halved the tamari/soy and used unchicken seasing for the broth. This could not have been easier! I have made a lot of seitan recipes and this was so fast! Also, I decided to make Isa's "Simple Italian Sausage" recipe using this quick baking method. I added another cup of gluten and rolled themm into a sausagy shape. Excellent!


Turned out great for me!! I followed the recipe exactly *except* that I cut the soy sauce in half. So 1/8 c soy sauce with 1/8 c water. Not too salty, smelled like pizza in the oven (said my 3 year old and me), delicious!


Very good and easy. I even pan cooked (non stick pan, no oil) some and they turned out great. The hardest part is getting the dough to stay stretched out and cut it into similar size piece. I over cooked a few and they gad hard and dry but I am going to try reheating them another day in some sort of sauce and hope they soak up the sauce a bit.



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