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pros and cons to vegg dog food diet...

what are the advantages and disadvantages of a vegg dog food diet???  Rite now my two poops are on the Canadian all life stages dog food, i maybe might switch them to the grain free ones they have. my poopy angel is really sensitive she was the runt of the litter and bottle fed her since she was 3 weeks, shes been on Canidae since. my other poopster was rescued from a family that abandoned him but man he eats anything and doesn't get sick just gas. we went to the pet store and a representative to bill jac dog food gave me a same box, i fed a little to them not even a cup and our angel got the runs...

could i make vegg dog food if so how? and is it more expensive than buying regular dog food, the one im on is $58.00 for 44lbs...

This topic has been discussed a lot on here.  Here is a link to a thread that contains links to other threads talking about vegan/vegetarian pet foods:

If you're interested in home cooking, I highly suggest Dr. Pitcairn's book "Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats".  He has a number of recipes in there.  I actually found that feeding my cats a home prepared raw diet was cheaper than high quality commercial food.  Feeding my dog this way is a bit more expensive than commercial food, but I think the benefits of knowing what they eat is worth a few extra bucks a week.  However, none of my animals are vegetarian/vegan.  They are all fed a raw meat/organ/bone diet.  Do A LOT of research on home cooking a vegetarian diet for your dog (I did a lot of research before feeding a homemade meat-based diet for them, which is much easier to get all the proper nutrients from).  It can be done, but make sure you're getting enough protein in there (most likely using eggs and cottage cheese/yogurt as the main protein sources).  Commercial vegetarian dog foods rely heavily on grains which upset many dogs' systems and they really can't digest/utilize very well.  Dogs don't need carbohydrates and they usually aren't very good for them.  Be especially wary of corn, wheat, soy, and any derivatives thereof.  And always avoid anything with the word "by-product" in it.  By-products are junk that usually make pets sick and don't have any nutritional benefit.  They are simply cheap fillers.

Whatever type of food you decide to go with, make sure to do a lot of research.  There are tons of commercial diets out there as well as lots of recipes for home made dog/cat food.  Make sure you're getting your information from a trusted source (someone who has done extensive research and/or a holistic veterinarian).  There is a lot of misinformation out there.  Good luck!


I would not feel right feeding my dog a vegan diet. Dogs cannot break down the cell walls in plants, although they can digest plant products if they are ground up or cooked, both of which destroy the cell walls so the dog can access the nutrients.

In the wild, dogs eat almost exclusively meat. The only plants they consume are whatever is in the stomach of their prey, partially digested.

That said, kibble is not the way to go, in my opinion. 80% of dogs that eat primarily kibble have tooth decay by age 4, which leads to terrible breath and lots of other health problems. NOt to mention all the terrible ingredients and factory-farmed animal products in there!

I feed my dog a raw diet. Look up the BARF (Bones and raw food) diet online and you will find plenty of information. It's primarily meat, which you may make you uncomfortable, but it is extremely healthy. Raw bones are excellent for dogs' teeth. Plus, it's cheaper than high-grade kibble if you buy in bulk (get a cheap "meat freezer"), and you can control where the meat comes from by buying scraps from local butchers who get their meat from smaller, more ethical farmers.

I asked around at the farmer's market and found a few butchers who buy free-range livestock from independently owned farms. It's not ideal, and I realize that there are not very many regulations on what can be called "free range", but it's better than the kibble animals were treated (not to mention any animals that the kibble may have been tested on), it's local, and it seems kinder than making my dog eat a veg-based diet that her digestive system is not made to handle.

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