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"Beef" seitan (and noodles)

What's your favorite beef style seitan recipe? I'm going to be making stroganoff sometime this coming week and I need to make seitan for it. I don't think I've ever made beef style seitan before so I'm not sure what recipes are good/what to use. I prefer steaming my seitan but if you have one that you have already tried and know to be good I'm willing to consider it.

Also, what's your favorite substitute for egg noodles? My mother always used the wide egg noodles to make stroganoff and I want to keep it in that style.

Thanks! Unfortunately, I don't have access to 99% of that stuff. :/




Viva Vegan's Red Seitan but switch up the spices so it doesn't have a Latin flavor, she uses cumin and oregano to flavor it and maybe leave out the tomato paste


I don't really like the seitan from Viva Vegan nor do I think it tastes anything like beef but thanks. I've decided I'm just going to buy some gardein.

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